Saturday, 14 December 2013

A Merry Time at Matalan

Last week I fought my way through the crowds in Liverpool city centre, headed for the Matalan store. Town at this time of year is not my favourite thing but meeting up with blogging and Twitter pals definitely is, so there was no stopping me!  Liverpool has the first city centre Matalan store in the country (yay us!). Luckily there's one quite close to my house so I never have to trek too far to get there but I do like it when shops that you usually on see on retail parks start moving into the city centre too. Much more convenient!

Matalan were having a celebration event for Kerry Crone and Imogen Stubbs, two Liverpool John Moores University fashion students who won a competition to design a range for them.

Love this safety pin print!

Both of those collections are available online but they're also in the Liverpool store and that must be so lovely for both of the designers.

The rest of the store is equally full of shiny things.

This Abbey Clancy dress is gorgeous up close. Just wish I could wear bodycon!

These were in with the Christmas decorations but they are so pretty. I can just see them adorning the home of many a blogger!

We had a mini blogger competition to pick our two favourite things in the shop and blimey, was that tough to decide! Laura and I walked around for ages until we made up our minds. These were my picks:

The eagle eyed may note that the gorgeous cocoon coat in the picture is an 18 and I'm not, but it's mega popular (unsurprisingly really because it's gorgeous and really cheap for such a nice coat) and there just weren't any smaller sizes. Hey, it's meant to be oversized so that's ok. Hope I'm the lucky winner!


  1. The shop is looking great. That safety pin print is fabulous.

  2. Waaaant the bird lights! I saw some moose lights in Ikea and nearly died...

  3. It was lovely to see you again Alex! x

  4. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
    Bring you Good wishes of happiness.

    Sorry for greeting you earlier,, just don't want miss saying this.
    By the way, I'm prima. It's my first time visiting your blog. I am blogger

    too, and now try my best luck to open an e-store. Nice to know you.


  5. Wish there was a store closer to me, they have some gems there and the homeware is fab too x

  6. That safety pin print is gorgeous and I LOVE that coat you chose!

    Maria xxx


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