Wednesday, 18 June 2014

I Bought A House


All by myself and everything. 

Obviously this is only possible because it's a) very small, b) very cheap and c) needs EVERYTHING doing to it but still, yay! My very own little house. All that saving and not being able to afford things was eventually worth it.

I now to have to organise many, many tradesmen and then decorate the holy crap out of the place as it doesn't look like it's been touched since about 1975. Good job I like a challenge!  Hope you're all in the mood to read a few more interiors posts cos god knows I won't have any money to spend on clothes any more. It'll all be going on paint and cushions.

Yup, I'm kind ashamed to admit I've turned into the sort of person who genuinely gets a bit thrilled by cushions. There's no hope for me now.


  1. Abs-so-lute-ly freakin' brilliant!
    So excited for you, you wouldn't believe!
    What can me 'n' Arthur get you for a house-warming present, or shall we send you a Gift Voucher or something????
    Well done, honeybun!

  2. Congrats Alex(all grown-up now:)looking forward to ur creative input on all things home:)! X

  3. Well done!!! We'd like to do the same but having to save too!x

  4. Congratulations! i can't wait for some interiors posts, I love them! x

  5. Congratulations, I'm looking forward to your home makeover posts - can't wait to see piccies! xx

  6. fantastic. enjoy making the new house your home :)

  7. Congrats, that's awesome news! Looking forward to seeing pics and reading about the redecoration :-)

  8. There is nothing wrong with being excited by cushions! Congratulations, Alex, I'm so pleased for you. xx

  9. This is so exciting! Congratulations! I'm about to embark on a massive savings plan to attempt to get somewhere in the next ten years (that's depressing to type), but living in London makes it so hard!

  10. That's so exciting! Can't wait to see it. Our house was a 1970s timewarp when we moved in, we are slowly getting there but we were the same, it was the only thing we could afford! Not sure we've really grown to love our peach bathroom yet though, haha! xo

  11. Congratulations, Alex. Of course you could always stick with the 1975 look and maybe start a new trend...!

  12. Yay! Exciting! Congratulations! xxx

  13. Eek so exciting and now to the fun bit, hard work but so fun! Enjoy it. x

  14. Huzzah!!! well done you and bring on the interiors post, I love reading them.

  15. CONGRATS that is so cool! It is the best feeling in the world. Can't wait to see it!

  16. Yay! Very exciting news indeed! Here's to lots of years of happy home-owning! :-) x

  17. thrilled for you - we bought one 5 years ago, and I am still excited about it

  18. Yay, Congrats :) but what's wrong with cushions?! reading while snuggling down in a nice, fluffy cushion is great. Also.. excited about the interiors posts!

  19. it sounds like you have a great attitude. Looking forward to your posts on progress :) x

  20. Yay! Cushions.
    Well done Alex, I hope you'll be very happy in your new home and I look forward to many interior posts.

  21. Congrats! That's very exciting...good luck!

  22. Wow, congrats! I'm looking forward to many great home styling posts!
    \(^_^) Tea (from

  23. Buying my first house (alone not with a boy) was the best.

    My terrace hadn't been touched since the 50's and needed gutting. So much fun to start from scratch than in a house that just needs personalising.


  24. This is very exciting news! Good luck with the move! The best bit is buying new homeware, yay! xxx

  25. Ahhh this is VERY exciting! Congratulations, can;t wait to see more cushions :)

    Maria xxx

  26. Congratulations! I'm very behind with my blog reading and trying to catch up.

  27. Congratulations on buying a house, Alex! I can feel your excitement while reading your post. Hahaha! I'm sure you're loving the place. Wish you posted more pictures, though. I'm truly excited for you. I wish you all the best! :)

    Marjorie Brown @ Jamie Hooper


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