Wednesday, 24 September 2014

The Answer To Any Question

I wasn't going to blog this outfit. The reasons are as follows:

1) I've worn this dress about a million times.
2) I have my can't-be-arsed-with-life cardigan on.
3) No makeup.
4) Hair had been in a topknot for three days.

But we can't be perfect all the time, can we? (Or ever, in my case.)

I got Taya, my Costa drinking partner in crime, to oblige with a few outfit snaps for the very simple reason that I was wearing EPIC new shoes and they deserved to be immortalised on here.

(I am so bad at having my photo taken. What am I even doing here? Amusing you, most probably)


I got an IC gift voucher for my birthday and struggled for ages to narrow the selection down to one thing to spend it on. Then I saw these and it was love at first sight. They arrived and then it seemed to rain forever and I really didn't want to ruin them, so this was their first outing.

I should probably have dug them out a week or so earlier - they'd have been perfect for the Scottish referendum!  They're perfect for general life though. I barely have to talk when I'm wearing them. I just do some sort of interpretive dance hokey-cokey and waggle my feet at people. Awesome.

Dress - Billie & Blossom @ Dorothy Perkins
Cardigan - Primark
Shoes - Irregular Choice 'Why Not'


  1. Fabulous shoes Alex, very worthy of blogging. And you look amazing even with no make up and top knot hair hun

    X x

  2. Awesome shoes! And I blog about outfits more than once, it makes sense if you love something!
    Shopped and Dropped - a lifestyle blog

  3. If you had 'maybe' and 'I don't know' gloves you'd never have to talk ever again... X

  4. I absolutely love Irregular Choice shoes and am VERY jealous of you.

  5. I'm so in love with those shoes.

  6. Those shoes are bloody amazing! x

  7. They are cool! They've got them at Let's buy shoes at the moment in a different colour and I did contemplate them but in the end, managed to avoid temptation! I do like your green dress and haven't seen it for a while so glad to!!!! It's cool!!! So nice to see your comment yesterday. Thank you! X

  8. These are the best shoes I have ever seen!

    Maria xxx

  9. I love the deep green - definitely worth blogging :)

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  10. The dress is so nice and the combination with these awesome shoes and cardigan just perfect!


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