Thursday, 9 October 2014

Yay, Coats!

I've been buying more coats. Can't help myself.

Check this one out though! Cute, no?

I'm assuming it's last year's Florence & Fred as I bagged it from a charity shop last month and it doesn't really look as if it's ever been worn. One person's cast-off is another person's treasure though and I'm super pleased with it.  It's like a longer version of the H&M jacket I've got (which you can spot in this post, along with my many many other coats) and I've always wished that was a bit longer.  I may even complete the charity circle and donate that one now I've got this one.

Tis a size too big but I always prefer my winter coats that way. It means I can chuck massive chunky cardigans on underneath.

Also sequinned skirts.  Yep, I wear it to work.  It's not like I've ever got a more suitable occasion for it and it might as well get some wear!

Coat - Florence & Fred via charity shop
Cardigan - New Look
Skirt - H&M sale
Top - Ruby Rocks
Boots - Irregular Choice
Necklace - Tatty Devine, present


  1. Yaay I love it all. I had almost forgotten about my sequin skirt. Need to dig that out soon.
    And don't get me started on coats.

  2. I would never, ever have thought of styling a sequin skirt like that. Bloody genius!!

  3. Your necklace is amazing! I love the coat as well x

  4. Can never have too many coats - this is England for God's sake lol! Wearing a sequinned skirt to work = stupendous.

  5. The whole outfit is splendiforous!!! X

  6. Haha, love a bit of daywear sequins!

  7. I'm off to the charity shops next weekend with the hope of finding a winter coat (or two). This one is lovely :)

  8. This coat is gorgeous, I have a forest green coat which I love! Yay for daytime sequins too :D

    Maria xxx

  9. I like so much your blog and i follow you by now!!!

  10. You see this is where I fail at life. Conversation the other day between me and some friends at work about me using some vouchers towards a winter coat...

    Me: Yeah but I probably won't, I already have a coat
    Them: What do you mean?
    Me: Well I have a coat
    Them: What, like 1 winter coat?
    Me: I have 1 coat. Yes it's a winter one - I don't wear coats at any other time
    Them: What about for going out?
    Me: I'm Northern, I don't wear coats on nights out
    Them: Well, still, you've only got 1 coat
    Me: Yes. But I can only wear 1 coat at a time, so why have more than 1?

    I think they just despaired at that point and left it.

    1. I'm pretty sure that when I first moved to the Midlands I didn't even own a coat. I once walked home 8 miles in a snow storm wearing only a cardigan: proper Northerner me!


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