Wednesday, 12 November 2014

I'm In!

I finally moved house!

Now you might be expecting lots of beautiful interior pictures but you'll have to make do with some arty closeups instead.  The house is still in quite the state of chaos and mostly looks like this:

However, those cardboard boxes contain four shiny new Billy bookcases and once I've got them finangled together, I can actually start to make the house take shape. Oh my, I have a lot of books. This is about half the collection still waiting to be moved in.

The carpet fitters did their thing last week and everywhere looks super lovely, but there's still one room to finish so currently there are bits of bed frame and other assorted stuff everywhere. Carpets though: yoicks!

It'll all come together over the weekend, I'm sure. For now there are small pockets of loveliness dotted around the place and that's keeping me going.


  1. Your book pile is amazing! Hope it's all going well!
    Cx / Bloglovin

  2. Aw I'm so happy for you! You'll have a lot of fun organising all your books, and now a lot of the big jobs have been done it won't take long until it feels like home. Can't wait to see more interior pictures as it all comes together. Have a sudden urge to send a housewarming gift.

  3. love your home-sweet-home, congrats Alex!

  4. Huzzah! and thank you so much for making me feel a lot less guilty about my book collection ;-)

  5. Congratulations Alex, how exciting! x

  6. I want to dive headfirst into that book pile!

  7. So exciting, even with all the chaos, don't envy you having to haul all those books about though- hardcore working out!

  8. Hooray! Can't wait to see it all come together! You can;t beat a Billy bookcase, I love mine :)

    Maria xxx

  9. WOW!!! That is a LOT of books! I am so happy for you that you are almost there with it- it looks gorgeous and I HAVE to know, where is that tree wallpaper from??!?!?!?! Reply, reply, reply!!!!x

    1. OOOP,s you did!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think to check back here until I clicked 'publish!' Soz about that last comment!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I love your house; it's beautiful. Slightly in awe of your book collection too.

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  11. Congratulations! How exciting! I love your book clock xx

  12. Yay! Very exciting! And you can take as much time as you like to settle in and make it all homely! That is a lot of books.

  13. OMG Alex it's just beautiful! I can't wait to see the finished thing! Where did you get your clock from? x

  14. Congratulations on your move Alex and may you have many happy years in your new home.

    X x

  15. Congratulations! How exciting, we're getting our keys next Friday so this is a nice little bit of inspiration before I start ripping out skirting boards and knocking down walls :) x

  16. Those books! I'd be in heaven trying to read them all

  17. Amazing progress! Hats off to you - what a brilliant job well done. You deserve every moment of happiness, very pleased for you Alex xxx

  18. I'm so excited about this!! I need to see ALL of it.

  19. Wowsers! Just a few books then! Congratulations on moving in! :-) xx


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