Friday, 21 November 2014

I've Got New Glasses

Long overdue, aren't they?!

I get thoroughly good wear out of my specs. If I'm awake, I'm wearing them. They always seem like a chuffing expensive purchase in the first place but once you look at the cost-per-wear basis, they're probably the biggest bargain I ever buy.

I have a love/hate relationship with cool glasses though. I love them: they hate my face. I think I posted about this last time I bought specs as I remember trying on pretty much every pair of kitsch/funky/interesting frames and they all looked awful on me. Waaah! Stupid face.

So I was all set for my biennial trip to Specsavers, hoping hard that I would magically start to suit cool specs and then Glasses Direct got in touch, saved me loads of hassle and sent me a gorgeous pair from their London Retro Retrospectiv Collection. Yoicks! Aren't they fab?

The funky Loren style was very tempting (who doesn't want to look like a 50s secretary?!) but I went for Presley in Rich Havana, my logic being that they're not too dissimilar to my current tortoiseshell pair, just a bit bigger. I was fretting slightly that they'd look too big on my face but I think I can just about get away with them. Maybe next time I'll take a further step towards true speccy coolness and get some really retro looking ones.

I love Glasses Direct. Yes, they sent me this pair for free and that's most awesome of them, but I've bought both glasses and sunglasses from them before now and I've had no complaints with any of my purchases. They do a 7 day trial where you can pick 4 pairs and try them at home. If, like me, you're never quite sure about what actually suits your face, this is a godsend.  It suits me so much more than having to stand in a shop with a sales assistant hovering around me and trying to get me to pick things that just don't suit me.

I'm all for things that make my shopping life easier. Very short of time and patience at the moment!



  1. Oooooh- they're GORGEOUS! I hate buying specs so bad- I have a really tiny head which means quite a small face too. I last bought glasses 7 years ago, and they're scratched to hell, so I know I need new ones, I just can't face trying to find some to fit- I feel your spectacle pain.

  2. You really suit these glasses and I love that you're such a proud glasses-wearer. I always think they really suit you. I'm long overdue a new pair of glasses/sight check up - it's been 8 years ago since I was at my optician! (oops.)

  3. Those specs are gorgeous! I find it hard to buy glasses too. I can never tell what suits me :/ these ones really suit you.

  4. You are a fine contender for a 'sexy spec' wearer for sure, Alex(very flattering:)!

  5. These frames are lovely and they look beautiful on you xx

  6. Those glasses are a great shape - I love the frames too!

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  7. Ooh love those frames :) I keep meaning to try them, I like the idea of testing a few pairs, the optician always picks mine cause I never know what suits me!

  8. They're lovely. I always think the same way, such an expense, but then I wear them every day. I wouldn't hesitate if it was a pair of shoes!

  9. Gorgeous, love these! Am definitely going to give these guys a try when I need new ones.

  10. These are really lovely! I just splurged on an Orla Kiely pair, they are so expensive but I figure I wear them everyday so why not?!

    Maria xxx


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