Monday, 31 August 2015

The Summer Party

Last Friday saw the work summer party arrive. Planned by moi and my ever-awesome pal and colleague Catherine, it was a bit of a new venture for us. We have our respective Christmas parties for staff and volunteers but this was a chance to have a great big mid-year thank you for all our fabulous team and get all the staff and volunteers together in one place. We had a cracking year in 2014 and this year is shaping up to be even better (fingers tightly crossed for the next four months, obvs) so it definitely seemed like party time.

Look at that lovely lot! Volunteer management is not the easiest thing in the world but it's very good fun at times like these. The amount of conversations I had about petticoats was fantastic!

We had a photographer there to record the evening which was amazing (only partly because he captured the funniest photo ever of my boss) but on the unfun side, I loathe all the photos of me and have basically been looking through them in absolute horror about how much my arms look like ham shanks. 

Note to self, don't stand between a glam babe of a professional singer and a glam babe who's the pretty brunette at work.

Oh well. My new dress is nice, right? And petticoats and snazzy green heels always make me feel spiffy, even if the pics don't reflect that.

We even had our own bakeoff competition but I was so busy hostessing and compering that I didn't get any cake. WAAHHHHHHH. This is most unfair.

I made one, mostly so that the fellow special-needs-food people could have something to eat, but I didn't get any of that either. Instead I got to do some tidying up and then get changed out of my party frock and go and scrub the loos with Catherine. Oh, it's a glamorous life...

Sparkly frog shoes one minute, scruffy Converse the next...

Dress - Lady V London
Petticoat - Vivien of Holloway
Party shoes - Irregular Choice


  1. Wow, you hair is looking amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing! Like a beautiful mane! That Lady V dress is beautiful! I love my two dresses from them!x

  2. Beautiful dress Alex and it looks like an amazing event x

  3. Found your blog through my addiction for Irregular Choice shoes and retro style... :) love your dress, love the green shoes and the red shoes you friend is wearing seem pretty too !

  4. Well., I think you look spiffy!! :) x x

  5. You look great :) fab outfit and gorgeous hair

  6. What a lovely event to put on (although a shame you didn't get any cake after all your hard work - boo!)

  7. You look spiffy, every bit as glam as the singer and 'pretty one'.

  8. venue looks lovely where is that ? x

  9. You look gorgeous, not ham shanky at all!

    Maria xxx


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