Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Meet Phil

I went to the RSPCA cattery a couple of weeks ago for a wander round and rather lost my heart to this little fella. It's been nearly six months since Oscar went and although I'm still not over that (you never really are, are you? I'm going to miss my ginger bundle of fluff forever), the house needs a cat in it and I need something to spoil rotten.

Apparently poor Phil was very shy and bewildered about why he was in for rehoming. Everyone said he would take ages to settle in and probably be hiding underneath things for weeks. HA. Yeah, right. Took him about 20 minutes to get his paws well and truly settled in once he was through the front door.

His favourite things are:

Catnip mouse. Kills it dead at least three times a day.


Sitting on me.

Not standing still long enough to have his photo taken.

Lounging around.

He's quite the dude.


  1. I love Phil! A house isn't a home without a cat. xxx

  2. Look at those massive green eyes he's got going on. Must be lovely to have a cat in the house, even though Oscar is much missed.

  3. Oh my goodness, I am smitten! x

  4. Yeah, he looks really shy lol!! x

  5. He is gorgeous! Welcome, Phil!

  6. Awww, he's gorgeous! Welcome Phil! I love that last photo, he looks so content, and while I agree, you never really get over a loved pet because they become a true member of the family it looks like you have a friend for life in Phil. - Tasha

  7. No, I never stop missing my furries when they go, but it does get easier with time. And there is no way I'm denying another cat or dog the love and spoiling they get here! Congratulations Phil, you've landed on those very sweet feet.

  8. Oh my, what a handsome chap. I read this and then turned to Thomas and said, "We really need to get down to the RSPCA!"

  9. He's gorgeous, clearly meant to be!

  10. Phil is fab-you-luss! He has obviously fallen on his paws and knows it! They steal your heart, don't they...? We have four cats (only meant to have two, but hey! Life happens) & we love them all.


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