Today I am thinking coats. Also, having typed the word a lot, am thinking what a weird word it actually is.
Coat. Coat.
Coat. Hmmm.
Anyway, would you believe that I only used to have one? It was black, it was from Asda, it cost about £20. Not that any of those things are necessarily bad - it was a good coat, just not very interesting. This is it (back in the fatter days, obviously...):

I seem to have developed quite the collection over the past year. It's probably very modest by a lot of people's standards but considering that I used to be restricted to just the one, it feels like a lot to me!
There's the Monsoon one that I sort of regret buying because it was expensive and I've only worn it twice. So pretty though...

And the super bargainous H&M jacket (£10 in the sale) which I love to bits:
I hereby share with you my top tip for coat purchasing: stalk ebay in the summer. There might not be as many winter coats listed but because not many people are thinking that far ahead, there will be fewer bidders and you
will get bargains. I'm far too tight to spend a fortune every year on a coat - the ASOS and Topshop ones might look lovely but the prices make my eyes water. Unless it's going to last years and - let's face it, they never do - I'm not going to spend a lot on it (
Um, Monsoon coat shall be the exception. I was under shopping pressure that day).
This H&M coat was about a fiver off ebay and still had the tags in:

Another H&M coat that came off ebay. This is the closest thing to a mac you'll ever see me in; I don't like flasher type coats.

So that's the bases covered really. Red coat, green coat, lightweight coats, frivolous velvet coat, work fleece, sensible waterproof Regatta coat and a whole heap of jackets (should probably do a separate post on them at some point).
The only thing lacking was a smartish dark coat. I know I was in need of one but as you've probably realised by now, I get very bored shopping for sensible basics. So when the lovely people at
Very got in touch, I went "Yoicks!" and chose
this very pretty herringbone coat with velvet trim and buttons. Even better, it came in
petite as well as
normal so I didn't have the usual hassle of flappy long sleeves. Super cute, yes?

ps - a great big helloooooo to all the new followers who have appeared recently. Tell your friends! When I'm up to 400 I'll pull together some sort of marvellous giveaway.