Sunday, 12 December 2010

Giveaway Day 12 & A Reminder

Morning everyone.

I'm having a well deserved lazy day today. Other than attempting a spot of jam making and going out for a meal this evening, I plan on doing as little as possible. So it's just a giveaway post today I'm afraid. I'll sort out those recipes for you over the next day or two.

On the twelfth (and final... sob!) day of my giveaway, I will give to thee:

I would have liked to have ended with a super duper prize but this proved difficult. Drummers is not an easy starting point. But voila, some v. kitsch drum kit earrings, a few drumstick lollies (nom nom!) and some Dairy Milk chocolate (tenous link I know, but the advert had a drumming gorilla in...).

I'll close all the giveaways at...oooh...8pm UK time on Monday 13th December so if you haven't entered some of them and still want to, just go and pop a comment on the relevant post. I'll reveal the lucky winners later that evening.


  1. Those earings are tooo cute! Your giveaways have been fab, keeping my fingers crossed! Hope you enjoy your definitely well deserved lazy day :)

  2. You have done these giveaways so well! Matching everything up to the lines of the song is genius.

    I love those earrings too x

  3. I agree this giveaway has been inspired - well done! Have a lovely lazy day :) xx

  4. Why does blogger hate me so much?! I write out comments and then it just deletes them for no reason, it's so frustrating!!

    Anyway I was saying you deserve to have a lazy day after all the effort you've put in to this giveaway (loving those earrings!). Laze it up!

  5. Ah those earrings are excellent! The lollies remind me of my cousin - when she was younger my gran would stick the lolly in a bowl and microwave it til it melted then my cousin would eat it, major grossness! Loving the chocolate link too, someones using their brain too much on a Sunday... :)

  6. Enjoy your well-deserved lazy Sunday! You've done brilliantly finding links for your giveaway prizes! I have no idea how you've managed to miss the adverts for the Pillars tv programme - I kept seeing it advertised everywhere! And it definitely is fascinating :) x

  7. Yaaay for lazy Sundays and even bigger yay for meals out! Have a lovely evening- you certainly deserve it after all this hard work- Drumsticks are my most favourite of sweeties, too!

    xxx Maddie

  8. This has been a wonderful giveaway. Such a lovely mix of prizes and very appropriate per day x

  9. lol... love the way you've ied the teme togeher..

    enjoy your day chick



  10. Can't believe it's the last one! I love the earings though, they're so cute.

    Enjoy your lazy day- back to the revision pour moi.

  11. Congratulations on finding something for today's prize! not easy!!
    Can't wait to see what you find for tomorrow

  12. I'm impressed with the drumming link - very good effort! Those earrings are amazing - I don't have my ears pierced, but would wear one as a brooch! So I'd still like to be entered please :)

    Thanks a lot - enjoy your lazy Sunday!

  13. aw,it's all over??!! It's been fun!!
    Count me in on this one,sweets.
    And have some lovely snoozing & lazing around.............
    love!! XXX

  14. This has been a fantastic giveaway Alex, thank you for the chance to win such lovely things.
    Have a good meal out tonight.

  15. cute earings, and some of my favourtite sweets ever!

    this whole giveaway had been great, well done!

  16. glad you have kept in theme right until the end xx

  17. I've always wanted to be able to drum - they are amaze!

  18. You deserve a lazy day, I hope your jam goes well. I'm going to attempt chutney soon, and I'm a total novice, so I'm a little bit nervous!

  19. Hope the jam turns out to be super-yummy. Oh my, I need those earrings!! xo

  20. This has been an amazing giveaway! Well done on finding such great prizes!

  21. I love the earrings, where did you find all of these wonderful things?! xx

  22. Well done on a fantastic giveaway. And my word those are some fantastic earrings! x

  23. Great earrings - Congrats on a fab giveaway Alex! : D

  24. Hope you had a lovely day. Please enter me into this one as well. Thanks! xx


I'm easily pleased - a simple comment will cheer me up no end. So do drop me a line below...

Sorry to readers who prefer to comment anonymously but I am getting clobbered with spam at the moment so have had to disable anon comments. Feel free to get in touch with me in another way!