Saturday, 11 December 2010

A Lot of Baking & Giveaway Day 11

I've started my Christmas baking! Oh I love this time of year. If there's one thing Santa could bring me that I'd really love, it would be a bigger kitchen. The one in the old house was huge but the one in this one is extremely small. See for yourself:

Not exactly spacious, is it? Baking multiple things in there can be a bit tricky but I give it my best shot. On the menu was:

Treacle toffee. This is one of my fave things to make. Doesn't photograph particuarly well but it tastes delicious! It's an old recipe of my Mum's and it's just so forgiving to make. You're meant to heat the mixture to a precise temperature and it is perfect when you do that but if you do go a bit wrong then it still works and tastes scrummy, it's just a bit chewier or harder than it technically should be! This was a good batch though.

Florentines. These are quite time consuming to make because of having to wait for them to cool and then doing the chocolate coating but they're really easy to make and they look quite swanky when they're done. I can't eat them because of all the cream and chocolate but I'm assured they're very good, especially with coffee.

Shortbread. Either the dough wasn't chilled enough or the oven was too hot because they haven't kept their shape very well but the taste tester gave them the thumbs up so that's the main thing.

And some vanilla fudge which I hastily whizzed together this morning when I realised I hadn't made enough stuff last night.

I pop them into bags (mine are from Lakeland) and tie and curl some ribbon round them. Beautiful, even if I do say so myself!

I have other stuff I bake at this time of year but that was all I had time for today. Not sure if anyone would like recipes - just let me know if you do and I'll whack them in another post.

On the eleventh day of my giveaway, I will give to thee:

The books don't seem to have been too popular! Oh well, here's hoping you like this prize a bit more.

Pipers are Scottish. Scottish = tartan. I'm not working on any great leaps of imagination here, am I? So I've made a lovely oversized tartan hairbow (aren't I getting crafty?) and picked up something from the Totally Tartan collection at MAC. I had my eye on one of the other products first of all but irritatingly, the packaging on most of the stuff in the collection wasn't tartan and that would have kind of spoiled the point of putting it in today's giveaway. This eyeshadow (Golden Crown) is tartan patterned and v. pretty too, plus I'm assured it will suit all skin types!


  1. Your baking looks really tasty! (Love your apron btw!) I feel sorry for you having a small kitchen, I hated it when I had one. It's so much easier when you have a lot of space. But then, I'm quite messy so I need it! Could you please post the recipes for the toffee, fudge and florentines? Thank you! x

  2. Oh Alex, your kitchen is HUGE compared to mine, i only have units on one side, there is no more room for them on the other side lol. Nearly debt free and out thoughts have turned to a bigger kitchen.... I love those goodies in the bags!! Well done xxxxxx

  3. Your baking looks scrumptious, and so do you in your cute pinny!

    You ARE getting crafty aren't you with that lovely bow.

  4. I'm so disappointed - I thought that apron was a dress!

    Ugh, lost a bit of tooth to a Murray Mint yesterday so the treacle toffee made me shudder a bit, but all your baking looks lovely in the little bags.

    Well done on the fab hair bow too - see you ARE creative! xx

  5. Your apron is amazing amazing amazing! I'm on the lookout for an apron, I've spotted one on Etsy and I'm just hoping it doesn't sell before I scrape together the cash.

    We have a teeny tiny kitchen, it's rubbish.

  6. You're baking looks amazing- may possibly be salivating on my keyboard... Would love the treacle toffee recipe and I can assure you- Florentines- the BIZ!

    AND another amazing prize. Can't believe tomorrow is the last one.

  7. your baking is very impressive and has made me very hungry! could do with one of them right now to go with my tea! you really are too generous with these prizes! xx

  8. Well impressed at your crafting talents of late, but mega impressed at your baking!! Those florentines look divine!
    Kandi x

  9. Wow - you have been busy!
    I love florentines!

  10. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh fudge!!!!!!

    Sal xXx

  11. Ooh that baking looks yummy! Esp the fudge, Im a bit addicted to the stuff... I seem to be rather bad at baking but have decided to have a go at pecan pie when I'm off next week - only had it for the first time last week and I LOVED it! :)

  12. That fudge looks amazing! And that apron is gorgeous. :)

  13. your baked treats look sooo lovely :)

    makes me want to get all domestic xxx

    thank you :) xx

  14. Oh my goodness those florentines look to die for! I can't cope with baking in my parents' kitchen (too messy, too many random animals nosing around) so I'm giving it a miss this year, but am absolutely loving this post and will be using it for inspiration for next year!
    (Selfishly) oh goodie the books weren't popular- more chance of me winning! :)

    xxx Maddie

  15. Your baking looks great Alex. Would love the recipe for the florentines & fudge as every recipe I have tried has turned out a disaster.

  16. What a busy Christmas Cook and Crafter you are! Better reading your blog than watching Phil and Kirsty show off on TV. Please send me the Florentine recipe - you have inspired me. My tiny kitchen is the galley type and the oven only cooks at one temperature these days. Mr EM is the resident chef, but he doesn't 'do' baking. And the tartan bow is SO me - just the job for Hogmanay ( Mr EM is Scottish).

  17. your baking looks so tasty!

    such a great great prize!

  18. ahhaha! i love tartan!!
    and you baking looks beautiful :) recipes please?! x

  19. Love the on. I'd love the reipes for everything especially the florentines and fudge hey are two of my favourite things, they look so yummy. xxx

  20. Wow, check out all that baking! I wish I liked baking, but I just don't. I'm always impressed by other people's skills in the kitchen though - yours certainly look yummy :)

    Would love to be entered into your giveaway please - thanks a lot!

  21. All that baking has made me hungry! I also make a selection of things for the grandparents for Christmas, might add a few of these to their goody boxes this year!

    Gorgeous prizes Alex!

  22. Wowzers that's a lot of baking. All looks scrummy. Cute apron too. Hope you are managing to rest this weekend. x

  23. All of your treats looks super delicious!! You will have some lucky recipients! =)

    That MAC shadow looks so pretty. And the bow? That is the sweetest touch!

    I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. I decorated my apartment door today. I hope no one steals my ornaments.

  24. All you baking looks great especially the florentines and the fudge. I also did soem f my baking yesterday. Chilli choc truffles and lime and white choc fudge. I think i went a bit crazy on the flavours.....

    And that apron..... possible the best i'ver ever seen

  25. Share recipes? They are all so English. I have all those Georgette Heyer books already! :))

    Arianne from A + B in the Sea

  26. Those florentines are making me REALLY hungry!!! am v impressed with your handmade tartan hairband, very funky!
    becki x

  27. YUM I need recipes (and that headband)

    I haven't done any Christmas baking yet, such a slacker!

  28. Well the size of your kitchen doesn't have any detrimental effect on your fabulous baking skills. You've made me so hungry now. x

  29. All your baking looks yummy, making me hungry! Love the tartan bow too, would definitely brighten up a dull work outfit! x

  30. I would love the recipes for the fudge please! My dad loves it so I'd love to make him some.

    Enter me please! x

  31. I wish I could bake such wonderful delights, the shortbread especially would be my favourite to make. The packaging is really lovely too, I have been admiring home made gifts all weekend, yet I seem to have left it too late to give it a try for myself.

    I must admit I love your baking outfit! The owl apron is literally quite amazing and those snug boots look wonderful too x

  32. Mmm your baking looks so tasty! I'm not sure I'd have the willpower not to eat what I'd made...even if I was allergic - it looks delicious!


  33. Dear Alex, I'm deeply impressed with your craft skills and your baking skills! They look gorgeous! xx

  34. Mmm these look incredible, if I could reach through the computer screen right now I'd be grabbing a few of those adorable shortbreads ;)

  35. yum yum, want to pop to mine and do some baking for me?

  36. i really need you to teach me how to make fudge!!
    also please enter me :)

  37. I love that apron, being wonderfully dressed always seems to help my cooking!

  38. I love tartan! Please enter me Alex. xx

  39. I would love the fudge recipe or maybe a how-to guide. Yum Yum!


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