Sunday, 19 December 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

So, we have snow again. It all came down in a great big whump in about two hours on Friday night when I was at a carol concert. Very fun to walk out into a winter wonderland, especially as I wasn't the one who had to drive home! It's meant that a lot of my weekend plans have had to be cancelled because various people are stuck at the other end of the country. But all is not lost. I've been doing other nice things like lying in front of the fire watching the showjumping from Olympia, making lots of leek and potato soup and braving the snow for a 4 mile walk to the shops to get Free From mince pies as various family members were craving them and putting up the Christmas tree!

We were quite possibly the most demanding customers ever when we went to buy it. The poor man had to unwrap about 8 trees before we were satisfied we'd picked one with a nice shape. I don't understand people who buy them already netted up - what happens when they get it home and it looks wonky?

I seem to remember someone commenting when I showed you my beaded baubles that I must have a really stylish tree. HA! I like stylish trees but they have no place in my house. I prefer tradition and that means a massive jumble of decorations.

The beaded baubles do feature but it would take MONTHS to make enough to fill a whole tree with.

Some are older than me - meet Rockin' Robin. After the lights and tinsel, he's always the first one on the tree.

We have the remains of a box of shiny 70's baubles.

We have posh baubles from the gift shop at Castle Howard

We have a rather random butterfly from the gift shop at Chatsworth. It was green, I had to buy it... And it hangs by some ceramic snowflakes and Jimbo and Jumbo (named by me because they reminded me so much of Jimbo and the Jetset)

We have decorations that my brother and I made years and years ago from a paper crafts Christmas book

We have really unChristmassy things - I'm not sure why Spot the Dog and Snoopy were ever made into tree decorations but it wouldn't be the same without them

And we have a cat that sometimes sleeps underneath it.

I think it looks rather nice. Chockablock with things that all mean something to me; just the way I like it. Now I just need to wrap some presents to put underneath it! (the ones already there are from various friends)

ps - one part of my weekend plans hasn't been cancelled! I'm just off to see John Bishop this evening. He was utterly hilarious last year so I'm very much looking forward to tonight.


  1. Oh I love this! My mum still has all our decorations from when we were younger but they've been replaced in favour of a 'stylish' tree for the last few years. I'd love to get them all out again!

  2. Rockin Robin is so cute! Love the dark green bauble too. x

  3. I am envious of your evening plans! :) Have a wonderful time!

    The snow has definitely made town beautiful though a little hazardous in places!

  4. The snow's sort of just dusted us this time around thankfully- I really had my fill of it last time!
    Hurrah for the traditional family ornaments- I'm not a fan of a manicured tree, not at all. No soul. I have some mincing Santas and Reindeer on mine! I've photo'd, will blog later in t'week.

    xxx Maddie

  5. Love a full Chrimbo tree. As ours goes in the hall it is never big enough. I know I need a new house!!

    V. envious you are going to see John Bishop he is so utterly hilarious!!

  6. We're also practically snowed in, even in our tiny southern city (where are the road gritters??) LOVE your Christmas tree - traditional with children's sweet handmade decorations from (in our case)long ago. We've not had our own tree for several years as yet again we shall be away at Christmas, though sadly not in Australia this year. BTW we envy you the John Bishop outing!

  7. Yep, traditional tree decorations. My family have banned me from ever making any more, as we have to get a really big tree to fit them all these days.

    Love the beaded baubles!

  8. I love a tree with a bit of soul :)

    That first 'posh bauble' (with the trees?) is SO pretty - I love it.

    We haven't even got our decorations up yet - shameful, I know!

    I wanted to see John Bishop in November down here, but then never got round to getting tickets - honestly, I'm rubbish! Hope you have a great evening :)

  9. I love that you've accumulated your decorations over the years and they've got their own stories. The Castle Howard one is so pretty.

    We've only had a smattering of snow this time, which I'm glad about as the last lot has only just gone.

  10. Awwwww your Christmas tree looks lovely, especially love the vintage decs.

  11. That is such an adorable tree, I love the top "tiers" on it. Perfect for showing off cute ornaments. Also, you used the word "whump" which is excellent!

  12. Oh your tree looks utterly beautiful. I think your decorations beat any "stylish" tree decorations in the tree-fashion stakes. I love homemade and old decorations that have lasted this long - they deserve a prime spot:). I love your Rockin' Robin and Snoopy!! xo

  13. I love higgledy piggledy trees! You're right about looking at the tree before you buy, my boyfriend's parents bought their tree and when they got it home found that the trunk went up normally almost to the top, then veered off wildly to one side before going straight up again. They sat the fairy on top of where it veers off, then a star with one of the fairy lights inside it on the top and it looks great, but it could have gone horribly wrong!

  14. Wahey,it is so pretty it nearly brings a tear to my jaded eye!Lovely to have so many memories with the decorations.....some remind me of ones we had when I was a kiddie.
    Very cosy and wonderful,darling!
    Love! XXX

  15. I love your love-filled xmas tree! I was so scared buying decor for our tree this year because it was the first time I was responsible for it. Every other tree I've put together (6 years ago was the last btw) the decorations have been family heirlooms or things us kids had made... dating back to when I was in kindy. My tree will definitely be funky in an eclectic homely way like this when I have kids :) Good luck with your gift wrapping! xxox
    AND MERRY XMAS if I don't talk to you beforehand.
    Love you Alex x

  16. Ah that's a lovely tree. Love the decorations with memories behind them, we are building ours, Andy gets two new decs every year. It's always exciting unwrapping them when we are decorating.


  17. Ah lovely tree, I love Rockin Robin! (And Oscar sets it all off perfectly!) :) xx

  18. I would love a big tree like this, I am always fascinated by trees that don’t follow a stylish theme, for me tradition is far more important. I think for sentimental and keepsake value baubles that have a story to them are always that little bit extra special.

    My Mum has some of mine and my brother’s attempts at tree decorations from years ago, yet she can’t find it in her heart to part with them. I guess it’s always nice to bring out a piece of the past x

  19. Your tree looks fave, my fave decoration is rockin robin, i love the childhood decorations my parents have on their tree, they bring back so many memories. Have fun seeing John Bishop, i have a mini crush on him much to Phils amusement! x

  20. It looks so festive!!!! =) I especially love the diy ornaments.
    By the way, in response to your comment: Hello the first picture makes me think of you ESPECIALLY. Sure you have a red dress and heals. Now throw a jacket over it and some wrist length gloves. BAM! Hot!

  21. Rockin' Robin is a cutie. I have to admit I am a tree dictator. The first Christmas tree I ever had of my own was last year, so I was really starting from scratch. I decided I didn't want to buy anything, so I made little cardboard robins and tartan bows and hug up chocolate coins. Really want to start a tradition where I make a new kind of bird for the tree each year but I haven't yet got around to doing anything this year so it hasn't really worked! x

  22. Aw, your tree is just amazing! I'm especially loving the robins :) All my decorations have went missing, really gutted, some were older than me, so had my brother raking in the loft every day this week to try and find them :/

  23. What a gorgeous tree and decorations. Flash won't go near ours, well..he does rarely but only to growl at it. xx

  24. Your tree this year looks remarkably similar to mine! :) It's wonderful how Christmas trees really do say a lot about the individual who puts them up - their personal tastes, momentos from days out, memories from the past, it's like a green album :) jazzy ♥... if you haven't already, get your skates on with my Vintage Tapestry Bag giveaway! :)

  25. Oh wow that tree looks marvalous!!

    I love those beaded baubles, did you make them? They're so pretty and hello Rockin Robin *lifts hat*

    I hope you have a lovely Christmas hun, it looks like you've been very busy getting into the Christmas spirit, your blog has really made me smile xxx

  26. Gorgeous pics. The snow has been so deep here too - particularly on the East coast (Edinburgh way). These pics are really helping me feel Christmassy, which I sorely need as I haven't got my tree yet or written any cards (aaargh). I have honestly NEVER been so disorganised. xx

  27. Argh, I am so not ready for Xmas! BUt I love the snowy robins, and spot the dog was my favourite kids charactr!! :)

  28. Dear Alex, your tree looks fantastic. I'm feeling very festive this week. Oscar is looking particularly fetching underneath too.

    I love your decorations that mean something and your hand made baubles look beautiful. The one you gave me is sitting in a shot glass pride of place in the TV room with white fairy lights around it. I don't have anything on my tree as I haven't managed to hang on to any decorations (plus my sitting room looks like a wedding cake anyway!) My dad managed to lose a box when he moved and my ex managed to burn our old house down! Luckily I was moving out so most of my clothes had already gone.

    I think John Bishop is great. I've bought The Actor his DVD, I don't think he knows him but he seems to love everything to do with Liverpool and he will definitely find him funny.

    I can't wait to hear all about your Christmas xx


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