Saturday, 18 December 2010

Suggestions Please

My usual charity donations consist of a set amount per month that goes to a different charity each time, plus a mild habit of spending too much on books in charity shops. Oh and things like buying the Big Issue and shoving change in charity collections. All in all, I don't think you could say that I'm stingy with my money.

I have a little bit of spare money this month and it'll do more good in a charity bank account than it will in mine; I'll only buy shoes or something frivolous. Plus it's the time of year where we should be especially thinking about giving rather than receiving. I've donated some money to the Samaritans, some to Shelter and some to Amnesty International but there's still a bit left. Do any of you lovely lot have any favoured charities that you think could benefit from a little bit of extra cash? I like to spread it around and there are so many good causes out there that it's hard to know who to pick!

ps - can anyone who understands post scheduling please explain it to me in really simple terms? I'm following all the instructions exactly and it just ignores the date and time I've set and publishes it immediately. Perhaps it's the technology curse striking again.


  1. You've chosen some great charities already. How about a dog/cat shelter as there will sadly be plenty abandoned after Christmas? How people can treat animals like that is beyond me and makes me so angry. Sorry can't help on the technology front, I'm amazed I can manage to do this even lol. x

  2. I don't know on either counts I'm afraid - I always just go for Oxfam and I have never been able to work out post scheduling either! x

  3. For the post scheduling when you type your post before you publish click on post options (bottom left of text box)~ amend the date and time to when you want it to post, then click publish post. Give it a try, I do this lots as Im always at work and would forget to post otherwise and it always works for me.
    One of my favourite charities is the Salvation Army, they do wonderful work for vulnerable people and I always have a special place for them.
    Kandi x

  4. I sometimes have the same problem with post scheduling- it ignores me, so I save as draft and just try again later.

    With charities- I don't have as much spare cash as I'd like so I choose only to give to Cancer Research and Macmillan as they're both important to me. I think charities like MacMillan do amazing things at Xmas, as it can be very traumatic for families who might be facing their last Christmas with a loved one or a first one without.

  5. What a very kind and Christmassy thought. I am very fond of Actionaid. They do great work with all forms of poverty and are very big on women's rights. I send money every month to a village, and they send me photographs showing me a tap that my money bought, so the women don't have to walk miles every day to get water, and things like that. I find it very moving and humbling. If you go to their website you can see lots of different ways to give and details of all their many campaigns.

  6. I think that those three are particularly good to donate to at Christmas. Shelter especially. I like Women's Aid, and I also support Dove House Hospice because my granddad spent some time there. Maybe there's a similar cause local to you.

    It's only after I've donated to human charities that I then consider donating to the PDSA. I heard that more money in this country goes to animal charities than it does to human charities, which I find shocking.

  7. I either give to Save the Children or Salvation Army. :) xx

  8. so many worthy causes, we have a sponsor child and give to all sorts of places...

    Hospices are very worthy, and do such good work, or anything with animals of children.

    Good luck with the sheduling xxx

  9. I was going to say Amnesty International as I donate to them but you already have! So either Cancer Research or a local one like someone suggested... x

  10. Also, your parcel arrived today, I caved and opened it with the encouragement of my mother, THANK YOU!

  11. I try to give to as many charities as I can but the one I go for the most is The Brooke, the charity who help working donkeys, mules and horses in some of the worlds poorest countries. They are really great as they not only help the animals but the people who rely on them to live x

  12. I have no idea as to the post scheduling so can't help you there, but I'm a bit of an animal lover so I reckon RSPCA or the ILPH, because I do love horses, are two good choices. Especially as at this time of year they tend to receive plenty of new cases for re-homing. Also, the Make a Wish Foundation and of course Great Ormond Street Hospital as they both help children with terminal illnesses, and it's particularly difficult for those families at Christmas. There are plenty to choose from, so just go with which one you like the sound of best! You've already donated to some brilliant causes anyway :) xxx

  13. I am green like the cypress,
    Come, speak, I know your voice.
    You call to the rose, I call to the beloved.
    You are crying, I will also cry.


  14. the salvation army is the charity for our family they are such a good cause and lovely people
    btw i am not a member of the salvos i just admire all their good work

  15. your are a very generous lady:) and on that note my lovely prizes arrived yesterday! will have to snap a picture with the lovely headband very soon. i am thinking about doing a charity post about meningitis soon myself. my boy caught it last year and it was a very scary time. so perhaps something like that may be an idea? xxx

  16. you are so generous! I would give any spare money to the good samaritans!

    enter all the christmas giveaways going on at fashion-train now! :)

  17. I give to St Gemma's Hospice, which is the 'favourite charity shop' I'm always banging on about, plus it's local which I think is quite important.

    The Salvation Army is a great charity to give to - it's one of the less glamorous, less 'trendy' charities but the work they do is hugely important. Plus their charity shops are amazing! :) xxx

  18. Goodness,there are so many worthy charities!!Hope you manage to pick one!Noble girl you,I would have bought shoes,as I am weak.....
    Post scheduling?!Hmmm,I thought I had it,but it just doesn't publish it at all un til I got and do it.Weird!!! So I'm no help!

  19. I always donate to the Salvation Army at Christmas time or Shelter - they get out on the streets and feed and house people over the festive season.

    Your schedule post option advice is good so far!

  20. I wondered what all your blank posts were about - I can't get the hang of scheduling either.

    I always give to animal charities but you've inspired me to make a donation to Shelter - they're so important at this time of year and in this weather. How about something local that will make Christmas happier for disadvantaged children? xx

  21. Aren't you good! Shelter would be my first choice, but as you've already got that how about Age UK? I need to reinstate my monthly donation, but I spend everything in charity shops so I don't feel too bad!


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