Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Can I Do It?

This month I am not buying any books. Not even from charity shops.

It might not sound so difficult to some people but trust me girls, this is going to be hard for me. I'm on day 1 and have already found myself wandering round WH Smith and whimpering gently about how much I wanted to buy something. I got a newspaper instead.

It just sort of struck me the other day quite how big my to-read piles actually are. I don't need any more books for a while. I always want more but until the piles have reduced in size a little, I don't need more.

I know I read voraciously but that's enough to keep anyone going for a good while! Plus I have a library right round the corner and lots of friends who love books just as much as I do, so if I'm desperate for something that doesn't happen to be part of the to-read pile, I'm sure they will help me out.

I did order one book last night. At £26 it was somewhat outside my usual price range but it's a signed hardback that I'm desperate for and comes with a limited edition copy of a new novella as well, plus shipping from the USA. I've persuaded myself this is a bargain... Plus I ordered it in February and it won't arrive until April so it can't possibly count as a failure of the ban.

I'm going to have to summon up all my willpower to achieve this. It really won't be easy for me.


  1. Lol! Nice dodge with the order! Good luck for March, I bet it will be hard but writing in on your blog might help you stick to it!

  2. Aww - I can just imagine you wandering around WHsmiths trying not to buy any books, so cute! It's funny - I did exactly the same thing today but slight different.

    I'm trying not to get drawn into the lovely card shop over the road from work where I can often be seen buying beautiful cards 'just in case'. I purposefully walked round the block today, just to avoid it!

    You can doooo it.

  3. I'm terrible for buying books and never getting round to reading them. I have such a big 'to read' pile but at the minute I'm finding it difficult to get in a lot of reading. My 20min bus journey to and from work is all I get and most the time I'm too tired to read. I will be better though and get through the pile. Good luck to you too =)

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  4. Dearest Alex, that's so funny! Part of the reason I haven't sent your parcel yet is because I was trying to work out which book to send you! I was trying to find you something you won't already have read xx

  5. I'm the same have had to lose many a book when moving over the years. I should have bought a library! I'm way behind on my reading so must get going again xx

  6. Ha,I don't think you'll make it!!!
    Books are just tooo delicious! Jeez,I just realised that the libraries will be a mess! ARGH! Poo.Must check that out;a girl can't possibly be kept from a book fix!

  7. I've managed to reduce my book buying habit. Like you, I've got a big "to read" pile which should keep me going for a while plus I use the library more. Good luck!

  8. My boyfriend put me on a book-buying ban because they are too heavy to carry back from Australia when we come back to the UK.... at first I really struggled because I don't even have bookish friends to turn to in my hour of need but now I have discovered the city libraries, which will do for now!
    Good Luck, I definitely feel your pain!!
    Beth @ Baking and Brogues

  9. If I lived to be 100 I don't think I could get through your 'to read' pile! Wow, it will feel great as you get down to the last few and know that a new book is just around the corner. Bless you for your sweet comments today :)
    Kandi x

  10. You should join the library! You'd save SO much money! :D

  11. Good luck, I don't do well with bans because as soon as I set a rule like that I want to break it. Don't torture yourself by stepping into any bookstores, that is just cruel.

    I think I see A Journal of the Plague Year poking out from one of your piles - you will love that one, I found it totally gripping xx

  12. its great to set challenges. Good luck!

  13. you can do it, Alex(fellow bookworm and book lover and thus not impressed with the electronic reader)!


  14. And I thought I had a huge bedside book-pile - that's quite a whopper!!! I got so overwhelmed by the number of books I had to read I stacked them in the corridor. They have been replaced by more - arrrgghhhh!!! Good luck and don't torture yourself too much:)) xo

  15. I agree with Margaret, don't be too harsh on yourself, it gives you pleasure and you'll read them all in the end.
    My piles are getting ridiculous. I live in fear of not having a book on the go and stockpile them.
    I'm pleased to see a Sebastian Faulks in the pile! xxx

  16. Yeah yesterday was February, doesn't count! Funnily enough I'm doing the same, not buying any books until I get thru all the existing ones, plus I just love going to the library so gotta finish mine first! My fave charity bookshop is closed for repairs to roof so its going rather easy for me at the mo... Good luck! :)

  17. What's the book you've ordered? Do tell!

  18. Wow that is quite the "to read" pile. Maybe if you are feeling antsy, you could arrange a big swap with your other friends who love to read.

    Good luck!

  19. I've been on a Book Buying Ban for about a year now ... but somehow the one in the shop is always more tempting than the 80 on the shelf at home! xx

  20. I have the same problem...no matter how many books I already have at home, I always want more!

  21. Haha good luck!! I've been on a self-enforced book ban for a couple of years but somehow I always seem to find loopholes, "Well it's a Monday and this book is on offer so it doesn't really count."

    My to read pile is horrifying. It's not even a pile. It's a bookcase. I hang my head in shame.

  22. I was in (and still am actually) a similar position so it was my news years resolution to diminish my 'to-read' pile this year... going ok so far and I keep people up to date on my blog so any failing is obvious - it kinda keeps me reading :o)

  23. Love that pile! I'm getting better at only buying books from bookshops if I take some in; it's like a donate-to-charity library. This year I want to read more "proper" books, more classics. I need to broaden my mind!

  24. haha love the loophole you found! signed copies are always awesome :) good luck with the shopping ban!


  25. Good luck love! Maybe you can treat yourself to a charity shopping jaunt later in the week and only spend a few pennies :) jazzy ♥

  26. Wow your to read pile is bigger then mine! Good luck Alex, i'd find it hard too x

  27. I DO understand just how hard it must be for you - I don't think I could do it! Books are my lifeblood! Usually if I'm imposing a (brief) ban on myself, it's because I can't afford to buy any more books, not because I have too many to read already - unfortunately I go through books like water, so I never have a nice big to-read pile for long (or at all)!

  28. I'm just like you, I'm forever buying books left, right and centre. I went to the library over the past couple of days and bought six books for just over a £1.00! And thanks for the Office tip, I'll keep a sharp eye out. xxx

  29. Aw, bless you Alex, good luck x

  30. Good luck with your challenge! Money is never wasted on books tho ;) What if you find one for 25cents? Will you still deny? ;)

  31. I feel your pain! I've been put on a Waterstones ban by my boyfriend due to my ability to spend most of my money in there!

  32. Oh gosh I can relate to this all too well. I find it incredibly hard to resist a book, particularly in charity shops as I know they only have the one copy and somebody else could easily buy it and it not be there when I go back for it!

    I am sure you will get there Alex, and when the time comes to purchase a new book it will feel all the more worthwhile x

  33. I can understand the book ban! You do have a fair few. It's a little like me and shoes!

    Good luck reading them all. Let us know which are worth while reading.

    X x

  34. this is going to be a tricky challenge for you i think, but then again, how long will the to-read pile last you?? and if you start to get low, you can always do a swap, that's a great idea - totally doesn't count as spending on books!

  35. Blinkin eck! That certainly is ALOT of books, I thought I was bad, I have a huge wishlist on Amazon that I keep having to resist as I already have loads of books to read!

    The cardigan on my blog is still in store now and it's £27 a little more than I would usually spend on a cardigan (from a charity shop or Primark).

    I have the same dress as your Primark peter pan collar one in a previous post, and the shoulders are so weird, I just kinda tuck them in and it usually looks ok, although I keep meaning to alter them.

    I received my prize yesterday and I love it, thank you, thank you, thanks you!! It will be appearing on my blog sometime soon...xxx

  36. p.s I almost forgot, good luck with the book buying ban :) x

  37. Whoa! THis is a majassive reading list!! But I remember you saying that you read lots and fast (maybe that wasnt you :P) so you should have that down until the end of march and then hoooray more books :) and it's kinda ironical, because I think march is the month of book :P

  38. That is hard. A book ban!!! I'm sure you will do it though. You have so many to keep yourself occupied with. Your to read pile looks about double my goal for the year, you speed reader.

    I totally want to do the standing ticket at the Globe as it looks more fun. My only concern is my back. Are you packed in or is there room to move about? x


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