Thursday, 3 March 2011

Distinctly Lacking In Glamour

I wish I'd been born with the glam gene.

Christina talked about resorting to Batiste dry shampoo yesterday. Well you wouldn't know it from her pictures - she looks like a goddess. It's most unfair.

Being the lazy type, I preferred an extra couple of hours in bed this morning to getting up and washing my hair. Bad move - it is gruesome. Batiste made NO difference. The only thing to do, other than ringing in sick with a bad hair day, was to wrap a vintage scarf thing round my head.

I look like Mrs Mop. Posing in the work loo probably doesn't help...

Any type of hat or headwear immediately gets "funny" comments from the people at work. Apparently today I've either suffered a head injury or I'm Carmen Miranda.... think I prefer Mrs Mop.

Oh well, at least I have coffee and cake to console me. First attempt at marble cake - it's gorgeous, even if I do say so myself!


  1. I think it looks marvellous - you look really different in that top picture. I try this and fail, I think my ears need to be covered up at all times. Plus the scarf always just slides off my head.

    I don't know what I did with my life before Batiste. I'll still generally have it tied back after I've used it but at least the top of my head isn't so greasy it reflects the light.

  2. I had the exact same problem this morning, where I hated my earlier self for not getting up and washing my hair. I used dry shampoo for the first time ever and it was amazing! Maybe it's cos you've got thick hair that it didn't work? Anyway the scarf look looks funky, I still haven't been brave enough to try it myself xx

  3. I think it looks kind of cute and kooky. Love the spotty mug and can I have a slice of cake too please?

  4. i did the same - couldn't be bothered to leave the comfort of my bed, black coffee and that coban book i got from the library recently (good choice alex!!)
    i quite like the hair scarf though, i'm hopeless at making them stay on my head..

  5. despite this I feel you scrub up nicely(lovely eyes:)!

  6. I think if there was such a look, Mrs Mop would be proud. On the up side your green outfit compliments you perfectly and the scarf really isn’t that bad, for one it’s vintage!

    I have about 4 of those Bodyform tins now, yet I don’t tend to use them for there purpose, one has paperclips in the other rubber bands. I think I just like the idea of tins in general! x

  7. You look so cute!! I love the way you're wearing that scarf. It's an art to get that right, I can't do it.
    It does take a while to get Batiste right (I should know, I've been using it since the 1970's). Shake the tin loads, leave it in for five minutes, give your head a mighty big massage, comb through and there you have it. xxx

  8. Ooh you look very exotic! And er a bit special in that last one! That marble cake looks brilliant! xx

  9. That cake looks amazing! And I must say, I'm quite taken with the headscarf! x

  10. Haha I sympathise! My hair desperately needs cut plus I just dont have time to wash it every day (13 hours shifts aah!) so theres been a lot of talcum and messy ponytails around here lately! Love your scarf tho, I just can't pull that off :)

  11. Wow you look really different here for some reason?! That cake looks lovely, i love marble cake x

  12. Um wow, how gorgeous do you look with your hair like this? I actually really like it!

  13. love the colour and way you used the scarf. Washing hair is such a nuisance. I do mine every other day.

  14. You are so adorable. And not Ms. Mop. :) I must say, your coffee mug is lovely!

    I hear you on not wanting to get up to take care of hair in the morning. I've been so sleepy lately.. thus my hair looks like crapola!

  15. Love the scarf, it looks great. Mmmm, marble cake, I could do with something sweet now!

  16. Dearest Alex, you're gorgeous! Vix is right there is a knack to Batiste. Do what she says then you need to give it a really good brush upside down with a bristle brush (Mason Pearson are the best) but I often can't find mine so a plastic one that looks like it also does the trick perfectly. I also recommend Clynol hair shine to put the shine back in and it doesn't make your hairy greasy. Also blasting it upside down with the hair dryer gives it more life. I still haven't washed mine! What a tramp xx

  17. Bless you. Your not on your own id rather stay in bed any day.

    You look fab with your scarf! I can't get away with anything like that for work. Wish I could, mind you I don't think I have the knack of tying them.

    X x

  18. Lol I think its so unfair that girls have to sacrafice easily an extra hour and a half in bed if they want to do there hair whilst guys can hop out of bed hop in the shower and be out the house in twenty minutes flat! The scarf looks good tho :) If I have a bad hair day I pull it in to a side plait and add loads of flowers to it to make it look pretty and distract from the state of my hair! X

  19. I use dry shampoo every other day, it works wonders on my hair! I can go from oil slick to fresh as a daisy in 30 seconds flat.

    Love the cup, and the cake looks delish.

  20. that marble cake looks SO GOOD. i've never used dry shampoo before, but luckily my hair doesn't need to be washed that often...

  21. I think it looks gorgeous, you should wear headscarves more often! Honestly, it DOES make you look glam, I promise. I find I can get away with most things, as long as I add a big dollop of blush to my cheeks in the morning. I'm like you, I'd prefer that extra sleep than pristine hair, so a faux youthful flush that only takes 2 seconds is my trick. Ah, I remember the days when the youthful flush was real and didn't have to be faked, sigh ;) xx

  22. I think it looks good! I think the thing is you always feel different like this because you aren't seeing hair at the front which is not the norm. I love how you've tied it, don't think I'd manage with a big scarf. Cake looks nommy. x

  23. I have never had marble cake, but it always sounds great!

    I tried dry shampoo a couple of times, but never liked it: my hair just didn't feel clean. So now, obsessive-compulsive that I am, I shower and wash my hair before bed every night - it usually results in many kinks when I wake up, but if I have to be somewhere important/special/somewhere I don't want to look like a prize idiot, I can usually get around the kinks by curling my hair. :-)

  24. You look so different with a scarf and your hair up! But in a good way!
    I love wearing scarves to cover up a bad hair day, usually pile my hair as high as poss on my head so it doesn't look too scraped back on me.
    Batiste is a god send, I always have some with me, helps when putting hair up also, and I tend to use it whenever I need a little oomph.

    p.s got your email, you're my next SS. ;)

  25. Bloody hell,washing ones hair can be such a chore.....I hate it! I quite like the Mrs Mop look,it's really very cute!I haven't been able to get it to work for me yet,though.I'm so obsessed with height...
    Carmen Miranda ain't a bad comparison,though! I've been thinking about fruity headpieces for a bit,I really should explore that.I have to get over the sequin lust first,though.
    Love! XXX

  26. cute blog!
    Follow me? I'd be very happy if you do it!
    Thank you so much!

  27. Aww, this is beautiful!!
    I love it!! ♥

    ..OH MY VOGUE!

  28. You look great with the head scarf on! I also think that batiste doens't work on my hair very well. It's okay on those inbetweenish days when it's only slightly greasy and if i rub it in enough, otherwise it just makes me look like i have dandruff haha!

  29. You look cute...though I think calling in sick for a bad hair day is totally justified ;-)

  30. Aw, Carmen Miranda's a lege. Shove some grapes on your bonce and you're good to go! Plus, I tend to find that the more barbed comments come from the bitter, uninspired and jealous people who wish they had the balls to wear something fancy on their head.


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