Monday, 19 September 2011

Continuing my run of impractical footwear...

...out come the suede shoe boots. I really do wish it didn't rain so much here because I LOVE these boots. I would wear them every day if I could.

I also get one of those little moments of glee every time I look at the box and remember that I saved myself £45 by a bit of clever returning and then rebuying in the sale. Ha!

If only they'd done them in black. I would dearly love to track down the perfect pair of black wedge boots but I am très fussy when it comes to a wedge and all the ones I've seen recently are UGLY. I shall add them to the "Impossible Things To Find" list. Yes, I have one.

Tshirt - Threadless "Why Is An Owl Smart?"
Waistcoat & boots - River Island sale
Necklace - belonged to my Grandma
Shorts - old pair of Dorothy Perkins jeans with the legs hacked off. Bit big but hey ho.
Blazer - New Look


  1. Love the tee shirt and waistcoat combo! And good job with getting the wedges in the sale, I love a bit of that too! New Look often has some nice black wedges.. xx

  2. Loving this get up.. They are lovely boots, you never know the fashion gods may shine down on your and produce a black pair for you some day soon.

    X x

  3. Love this look, little bit rocky. Can't beat a suede wedge boot! I got some amazing ones from Bertie (with a giftcard!) Black, suede, lace up, lush. Wear them to death at the moment.
    That t-shirt is fab, and I love the waistcoat.

  4. You look adorable! those boots are really lovely, whata good buy!

    Love amie

  5. Absolutely love the blazer!!!! The boots are fab too :)

  6. ahh the tshirt is so cute - love it! and i really like the blazer, and obviously the boots ! who says shoes have to be practical anyway?! i am pooh-poohing that idea

  7. those boots are lovely. I've returned stuff and then rebought it because of a sale. I always feel a bit naughty doing it but it saves money so I don't care haha

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  8. Oh gorgeous. I find you can get rain marks out of suede pretty easy with an eraser - does that not work?

  9. You could possible dye them? I am sure you can get suede dye, I have done a red dye job on leather boots before and it worked a treat xx

  10. I love this outfit, those boots are AMAZING!

    Maria xxx

  11. Love the boots, they're a perfect height xxx

  12. great wedges, they are pretty fab. Love both the blazer and waistcoat. Shorts and tights are my recipe for a/w11

  13. I am so in love with the 'wol' in glasses. So cute!
    Z xx

  14. I love the tshirt and waistcoat together.

  15. I know I'm a bit late to comment on this but I love that outfit, especially the boots...drool!!

  16. Nice outfit, you look so good in this picture, I love your shorts and that t shirt is perfect, the perfect touch and your shoes rock, also you are very beautiful! You have a lovely blog and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic


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