Thursday, 22 September 2011

Holiday Snaps

This picture is going to be the main memory of my holiday. I was happily strolling around little winding backstreets in Evora, turned a corner and found this in front of me. Isn't it wonderful? About 5 minutes walk away is this rather splendid ruined Roman temple.

So yes, I like Evora. As for Estoril (where we were staying), I like that too but it's a funny little place. Lovely beach:

Huge casino:

Lots of beautiful and crumbling houses that the owners can't afford to restore:

And no shops. Well that's not strictly true. The shops consisted of two little supermarkets, an Audi dealership and this:

Yes gang, that would be a Hello Kitty shop. I don't quite understand the lack of "normal" shops but I can't say it particularly bothered me. It's just odd. There was nowhere to buy a corkscrew but I could have had a choice of about 8 different Hello Kitty suitcases.

I suppose everyone must go to Lisbon. It's only 20 mins away by train. They've got a Primark and everything (*rolls eyes*). No, I didn't go there. I may have given into the temptation of H&M though...

A lovely lion supporting Vasco de Gama's tomb
Monument to Portuguese explorers

We went to Sintra and I liked that very much too (are you sensing a theme here? Alex likes Portugal). You basically drive up the coast road to the westernmost point of Continental Europe:

and then drive up into the hills. It has beautiful houses, a royal palace, a castle and the most amazing cafe. If you ever go, you MUST have travesseiros de Sintra, fresh out of the oven. I am drooling at the very memory of them.

And finally, because you rock for getting this far, here's a picture of a sign in the hotel lift. Schindler's Lift. *snorks*


  1. Lovely photos. I really enjoy seeing people's travel photos. I saw a bizarre amount of Hello Kitty in Barcelona.

  2. You take such gorgeous photos Alex!
    Bizarre there is a Hello Kitty shop but nowhere to get a corkscrew (priorities! Like it!)
    Looks like you had a lovely time. xx

  3. Schindlers Lift indeed, lol. Portugal looks like a smashing place, such fabulous views and tasty sounding pastries. I could walk round such impressive buildings all day. Foreign architecture is so interesting.

  4. Love your photos, the first one with the umbrellas is pretty cool! Sounds like you had a fab time xx

  5. Jesus Schindlers do lifts in foreign countries too??? They used to 'manage' our lifts at my old job they were crap! The lift would be broken down for months, but yes it did always amuse me too.

    Beautiful pictures by the way.

  6. I think lift-wise I prefer trusty old Otis from my flats. Schindler sounds scary.
    i love the umbrellas!

  7. Gorgeous photos, Alex. The umbrellas are just beautiufl.
    I'm very fond of Vasco da Gama and his Goa connection. It's been twenty five years since I last went, how sad there's a Primark and an H&M, damned globalisation. x

  8. Awww it looks lovely! I'm horrified about there being a Primark in Lisbon though- I feel on holiday you should be wafting around little boutiques in cobbled streets not elbowing your way through racks of polyester!
    Yum, that cafe looks and sounds amazing. I am now absolutely starving but no chance of delectable baked goods, just Heinz low salt tomato soup.... ho hum...

    xxx maddie

  9. Looks amazing Alex, that first photo is incredible.

  10. Mr B is always needing red I know where to send him! Simple idea but so pretty.
    As much as I like Hello Kitty, that is so not right! I'm with Maddie; I want local stuff, not (expensive) 'tat' that I can get anywhere!!
    Those coffees look amazing. Yeh, OK, the pastries too!
    Thanx for sharing. Fab photos.
    Z xx

  11. How gorgeous, looks like a great hol. I am sure there would have been a Hello Kitty corkscrew somewhere xx

  12. What a fantastic vacation! That umbrella picture is AMAZING. I wonder who did that?

  13. Excellent pics, Alex. The first one with the brollies is amazing. I love Lisbon and Sintra. I can't wait to go to Evora one day very soon - hopefully.

  14. I love that umbrella picture, do you know why they were there?

  15. Great pics, I recognise some of these places :) theres actually a shopping centre at Cascais which is just a 5 min walk along the beach from Estoril!

  16. Oh Alex these are amazing photos! What a fab place!!!!

  17. Wow what a sight to see as you turned a corner! Beautiful photos too. I love all the history and beautiful old houses, such a shame they have to let them fall to wreck and ruin.

    X x

  18. Gorgeous photos, i love the first two the most. Glad you enjoyed x

  19. This looks so so lovely, I am very jealous!

    Maria xxx

  20. Fabulous pics! I am loving the umberella pic best even though I know I should be cultured and choose one of the historic pics - my brother says I am less cultured than a pot of yogurt! lol!

  21. I love the umbrellas. The picture looks like something from a movie.

  22. Beautiful photos, looks like a lovely holiday. I also like how you and Hello Kitty appear to have matching outfits!

  23. Looks like you had a fab hol, very jealous of your travels! The umbrella pic is awesome too :D And yes, Schindler's lift *giggles*

  24. What lovely photos, it looks like a great holiday!
    I especially like the umbrellas and the garden.

  25. Ah lovely! I'd forgotten about Sintra! I was only in Lisbon about a day and a half and we didn't have time to visit properly but the palaces look mindblowing - just a good reason to go back one day eh?! x

  26. Your final photo actually made me laugh out loud - a proper belly laugh! You've made my day xx


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