Monday, 30 January 2012


Today is my Mum's birthday.

Cross-stitcher and crafter extraordinaire, amazingly fast hiker, lover of American crime shows, excellent holiday and road trip companion, full of all sorts of esoteric knowledge, excellent spider catcher (but slug loather), very funny lady and fellow short-arse in the family: she is a tiny little package of awesomeness, generally clad in at least one lilac thing. If she has one flaw, it's that her feet are too small and I can't steal her shoes.

Want to see some splendiferously vintage photos of her? Of course you do!

No idea where the shop is but it looks interesting...

Rocking the ombre look way back in the day.

Startled by my Grandma's quite amazingly pointy collar...

I have no comment to make on this one. It just makes me giggle.

Check out the COAT! If only she'd kept that for me... She still tortures me with tales of the lilac suede platform knee high boots she used to have.

Beautiful lady.

Moving onto the present day, she's still beautiful, even if she won't hear it. Look Mum, it's on the internet now so you HAVE to believe it.

Did I mention she's awesome? And very fond of larking around, as in this photo where she is pretending to be a Roman centurion marching down Watling Street at Richborough.

Love you Mum.


  1. Happy Birthday Alexs mom and yes you are very beautiful!

    Alex its clear to see where your lovely looks come from.

    Hope she has had an amazing day.

    X x

  2. Lots of love to your mum! What a lovely set of photos; she sounds great fun and a real good mate! Nice to see and read!
    Z xx

  3. Alex, this is lovely. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mum.

  4. Lovely post. Mums are great, although HOW shortsighted about the coat? I hope you are archiving amazing pieces for future offspring? I had a few of my mum's 70s pieces when I was a teenager but as she was super skinny they sadly no longer fit me.

  5. You are so like your mum! In all sorts of ways, I think.
    What a lovely post, Alex, I bet she's as proud of you as you are of her. xxxx

  6. Happy Birthday to your Mum! Love the old pictures xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  7. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mum, Alex. I hope you have years and years of fun and happiness together.

  8. Happy Birthday Alex's Mum!!!
    & yes you are beautiful!

    Alex - don't you look like your mum!

    Spoil her rotten Alex, mums are special xx

  9. Lovely post - you definitely take after your mum! Happy birthday to her! Xo

  10. I love seeing photos of loved ones from generations gone by, your Mum is gorgeous and her style is fab too, no wonder you have such good taste! xxx

  11. You are the absolute spit of your mum so if you ever have any days when you don't feel beautiful you should just read this post again because everything you wrote about her applies to you.

    That's just the way it is.

  12. You totally look like your mum! I don't look like mine at all, which is not too bad because I'm not a bit like her in temperament. :))

    A from A + B in the Sea

  13. Happy birthday lovely Jean :)
    She is beautiful, i know it's true, so you can tell her i said so! I LOVE the car photo!!

  14. What a lovely birthday tribute to your mother. She is indeed gorgeous and you look just like her.

  15. Oh, the AFGHAN COAT. Sorry about caps, but really, could not help it. Such a touching post, and such a lovely Mum.

    And on a much more self-regarding note, thank you so much for the link. Can't tell you how many readers I am getting from your blog. It was so kind of you. :)

  16. Happy Birthday gorgeous Mum!!x
    I love those photos, in that second photo I can see lots of you.
    Kandi x

  17. Happy Birthday to your mum - love this post, I bet she's as proud of you as you are of her. x

  18. My Mum also got rid of her amazing fur coat, not fair! Happy birthday Alex's Mum :)

  19. She IS gorgeous,and you look just like her!

  20. Ooh awesome pics, you look rather like her, happy birthday Alex's mother! :)

  21. I couldn't help but giggle at the car pic :p Happy birthday to your mum!

  22. She's a stunner, just like you! x

  23. This is such a sweet post! Happy birthday to your mum x

  24. Brilliant post & a very happy birthday to you Mum. Love the escort photo!!

  25. Awww Happy (belated) Birthday Mama OddSocks! Lovely post, love the vintageness and you do have a look of her - both beautiful! xx

  26. Awesome mum and awesome post!! =) Beautiful lady and love the car-posing pic! Good to see someone who appreciates their mum!! =)
    Take care, Nikki x x


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