Saturday 4 February 2012

Crowning Glory

I am rubbish with hair. I've never dyed mine, I don't know how to style it other than straight down or up in a topknot and the only type of hair-related gadget I own is a hairdryer.

Hairdressers will probably keel over with shock at this revelation but...I only get it cut about once a year.

Today was the big day. As you can see from my last outfit post, the mop had officially got too long and tatty. I have a wedding to go to on Friday as well, so it seemed like a good time to get it chopped. Off I trotted to Andrew Collinge Graduates, skidding on the pavements as I went (seriously, can we not just have snow? This icy rain is an absolute bugger).

An hour later, I looked like this:

I love it! I don't stand a chance of recreating the bouffantyness myself - at one point there were 4 brushes in my hair - but what the hell. She asked if I wanted it blowdryed straight or with some bounce. The answer to that question should only ever be bounce. This is Liverpool after all...

ps - not a sponsored post or owt, I'm just impressed! Ask for Sophie if you go - she's lovely.


  1. Wow, your hair looks gorgeous! Good choice going for the bounce :p

  2. Looks lovely :)
    Wish I could blow dry my hair like that too.
    I only get mine cut about once a year, last time way May :/

  3. Love it, I'm about due for my annual cut now too (I do intend to do it more often but never get around to it).

  4. What a great cut! Your natural hair colour is gorgeous too.

  5. wowee I love it! I never used to get my hair cut, i'm now in a 8 weekly cut interval and mine is much healthier.

  6. Wow it looks gorgeous! I can never get mine to look like how it does after the hairdressers, i'm hopeless! x

  7. I fail at hair too and I'm avoiding that much overdue haircut, but this has inspired me to maybe consider the unthinkable and get one booked! I bet your hair is in really good condition Alex, there's nothing worse than product/dye over kill xxx

  8. This looks super gorgeous! I want my hair like that all the time! x

  9. Your hair looks gorgeous! I also only go about once a year to the hairdresser, they always want so much money! xx

  10. I go to Andrew Collinge in Manchester and I love them!

    Love your hair cut, I got mine done on Thursday. Went with a more curvy bob with loadsa bounce ;)

  11. I am the same as you - only get a haircut once a year! Last cut was in May, oops. I just haven't found 'the one'. You can never have too much volume in your hair in Liverpool.

  12. If I was a rich person I wouldn't have a personal chef or trainer - I'd have a personal hairdresser. Fact.

  13. Oh good lord, your hair is spectacularly bouncy! Money well spent, I'd say. My lovely hairdresser showed me how to use tongs to get some waves in my hair - can I do it myself? Can I buggery! xxx

  14. Ooooooh prettiness. I'm a bit hopeless with my hair too. I used to have some highlights, but that's as much colour as it's ever had and that was 5 years ago, I dyed it myself this week, I really rather like it. But, I have to admit I'm pretty hopeless with my hair. I keep it long because it's easy to deal with, and I've never had anything more adventurous in terms of a cut than a (shortlived) fringe.
    Hooray for easy hair!

  15. Ooh! I like it. I can never get my hair to go like that. Four brushes though eh?
    I haven't been to that AC salon but I've been to the training one (on London Rd, near TJ Hughes) and had great service and cuts.

  16. If it wasn't for my fringe, I would only end up getting my hair cut once a year too!

  17. Don't you dare ever dye your hair!!! It is a gorgeous colour and I wish so much that mine was anything but boring mousy brown and I didn't have to colour it! x

  18. I'm exactly the same with my hair. I can't style it to save my life and it has been over a year since I went to the hairdresser. Still, if they gave me waves like you ended up with then I'd probably be in there all the time!


  19. Loooooove your big hair! My hairdresser never dries my hair cause it takes forever, may try and persuade her next time... :)

  20. Your hair looks lovely :) Also, the cobbles in town are bad enough without ice, go away snow! You know it's cold when it snows on the Wirral - it normally never does thanks to the salty sea air!

  21. Wow, gorgeous! And it looks so glossy and healthy too - blonde hair never seems to achieve that level of shininess/shinyness (sp?) :( xx

  22. *Actually that should probably just be 'shine' :S

  23. Your hair looks gorgeous! I'm the same as you, I only cut it once a year. I trim my fringe myself with nail scissors. But now I'm tempted to get a real cut and have some bounce! xx


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