Friday, 5 October 2012

I'm Going On A Boot Hunt

Last Friday I was in coat hunting mode. I'm still drawing up the shortlist of duffel coat options but I may well have a cape on the horizon, courtesy of Char's wardrobe clearout. Yay!

This weekend I'm on a boot hunt. It may shock you to read this but I only own one pair of knee high boots. Yes, that's right. Me, all round shoe-lover (although not Crocs or Uggs. Never those.) and proud owner of far too many pairs of footwear to count without wincing, only owns one pair of boots. And they were third hand. I have a few pairs of ankle boots, although not that many. My basic problem is that I'm a magpie. A shoe magpie. I'd come up with some amusing compression of that but it'd be *cough*shagpie*cough* and that conjures up something entirely different.


I like shoes. I'm easily drawn to colourful heels and pretty flats. You just have to look at my Irregular Choice collection for proof of that. As much as I appreciate a good pair of boots, they're never top of my shopping list. Leather is lovely and I will go and stroke it in the shops but I'll always buy the impractical green heels instead.  Shopping for shoes online is safer: I'm less prone to distraction by sparkles.

  This continued overlooking of boots is especially odd because I was rather heavily influenced in my formative years by this look:

(picture borrowed from essbeevee - read about Sarah's own knee high boot traumas)

I love Buffy and her dodgy late 90's outfits.

Back then, I didn't have the legs for short skirts and boots. Things are better since I lost the weight but I still have issues. I know I've mentioned this whilst beefing on about welly shopping but I have out of proportion wide calves. This seems to be common amongst the 5'2' women of my acquaintance but we're going to have the last laugh – I've been assured it means we will cope well in a famine or zombie apocalypse. Ha! In your face, skinny legged people!

I was rattling back through old blog photos recently and came across this one.

Hey there super short skirt and boot combo! I clearly can wear this look, I just need to work a bit harder to find the boots than my skinny legged friends do.  I'm prepared to put the effort in though. I need more pairs and they aren't going to magically tapdance their way over to me.  I'll have to search for them. 

I really want these:

And these are a longer version of the H&M ankle boots I've just bought, so they're definitely appealing to me.  I do love a heel on a knee high boot.

Or I may just give in to those magpie tendencies and get these instead. Shiny, shiny.


  1. *snickers* shagpie *chuckles*
    I love boots, but i'm always drawn to the same sort of style - brown, a bit duffed up, chunky sole/heel, buckles, invariably expensive....
    So, those first ones fit the bill, and not a bad price either.

  2. I too am suffering Boot Lust at the minute. Chunky sole, heel, buckles, brown/tan... yes, with you all the way on this one. Just lack of cash getting in the way [and YES, I so agree NEVER Uggs or crocs]
    I am amused by Buffy's 90's outfit which are so similar to things I remember being worn by students in the late 60s

    blessings x

    PS DO post any pictures of new boots

  3. I used to bloody love Buffy and I blame that show for many bad clothing choices. I used to think chokers were cool and had a Buffy inspired Claddagh ring...
    Love the second pair of boots, I always find a heel easier when my ankles are supported in a boot.

    Little story, woman I work with gets a new pair of boots from her husband every month. He's got a boot fetish oooh eeer xx

  4. I'm such a boot lover, more so than a shoe lover. A good pair of boots is essential for winter time, I must admit I've gone through my phases and yes Buffy was my style icon for a short time, (secretly still is) xxx

  5. Have you seen the riding boots in Asda at the minute, they have them in black and brown a similar style to the top pair (but not quite as sexy). They are leather and have a small 'elasticated gussett' at the top back, so are kind to chunky calves (like mine). At £38 a pair I went for it and they are mega comfy x

  6. I have WAAAAY too many pairs of boots, I really don't need more to tempt me, liking the studded shagpie version a lot. I wouldn't be too concerned about the calf thing, better that than the mum I saw only yesterday at school. She has legs like pencils and was wearing some fake Ugg monstrosities. The overall effect was two tins of paint with the stirring sticks left in.


  7. I wear boots through the whole year. I have a scar on the back of my foot and boots are the only things that don't hurt. I wear ankle boots mainly because I have fat legs and haven't found any knee high ones that fit yet. >.<

  8. It took me ages to find the perfect pair of boots - I finally succeeded last year. Hurrah! I also have the problem with boots fitting my calves. Finding the perfect pair of wellies is my next challenge.

    Nikki x

  9. Shagpie! Chortle. I may have to borrow that. I'm like you in the calf - my welly exchange wellies are worn rolled down (they're quite cute like that actually!) and I can never get knee high boots. Ah well, I have more than enough shoes to make up for it...

  10. I wait with baited breath to see what you buy as I've got wide calves as well!

  11. I love boots and my brown leather ones are a real favourite when the weather is rubbish, that's the one good thing about winter!

    Maria xxx

  12. Thanks for such a nice content. Apppreciate it :)
    If anyone interested similar one's have a look here the shoesfinder thanks


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