Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Specs Appeal

I'm a proud glasses wearer.  Have a quick read through this post if you want to see me getting a bit ranty about the subject (Yes, I am still mad at that person who told me I'd ruin the wedding photos by being a bridesmaid in glasses.) but today I have no time for rants.  I am feeling extremely cheerful because I have new specs!

I made a couple of discoveries when selecting these frames. Firstly, either my tastes are cheaper than they used to be, or the lower priced frames have got nicer because the bill was half the price it was two years ago. Huzzah! Secondly (and not so huzzah-worthy), I quickly established that my face just does not suit a lot of frame shapes. I get my eyes tested at Specsavers and I had vague hopes of suiting some of their fab Gok Wan range. Sadly not. A lot of the retro shapes, lovely as they are, look ridiculous on me. Which is odd, cos I have a big head. But clearly not a big face?  Or perhaps it's just not the sort of face that can wear big specs and look cool.

I ventured a bit out of my usual style with this pair though. Tortoiseshell, with a very slight retro shape to them, they're just lovely.

Apparently green isn't a big colour in the world of specs (boo hiss), and although one of the shop assistants was a complete gem and made it her mission to track down every single pair they had in every possible shade of green, none of them were quite right. I went for this pair instead.  They're classed as green in the catalogue but they're totally aqua.

Now that my eyes have got used to them and I don't have the dreaded new-prescription headache anymore, I am super pleased!

Top pair - Ruth
Bottom pair - Melanie


  1. the tortoise shell pair are fab! Specsavers do seem to have cheaper options these days compared to when I was little and had gross wire frame ones.. Having said that I then need to spend nearly £100 having them thinned down as I'm that short sighted! x

  2. Very nice. I am totally gobsmacked by 'glasses spoiling a wedding picture though'! Bridezilla much?

  3. The tortoiseshell ones are really lovely! They suit you lots too! x

  4. I love the two pairs you have chosen, they look great on you. Glasses have really become a fun accessory as well as a practical solution these days. I really wanted a new pair or two this year but after getting stung having two pairs regalazed last year I feel I ought to get another year out of them. Bah. Mine are horrid anyway.

  5. They look great, both pairs really suit you Alex. I think glasses have come down in price a lot over the years, which is of course a good thing xxx

  6. They're lovely - the tortoiseshell ones are my fave though, love the shape!

  7. I love both pairs. I got a pair similar to the first last time I went and I also noticed Boots were lacking in green frames xxx

  8. They both look lovely. I love Specsavers, they're so patient and helpful.

  9. I love both of these. I never wear mine because I can't find any that I like which is pretty awful really... going to end up blind but maybe I need to go and try some on again. There is so much more choice now, used to hate it when you could only get tiny little wirey ones x

  10. Oh you look so lovely in glasses (and in reference to your previous post, I actually insisted that my sister wore her glasses as my maid of honour because she looks so amazing in them. How ridiculous of the commenter!

    I, on the other hand, fear the day I will need glasses (inevitable as a literature academic, books and computers = my life). Because I look TERRIBLE in all of them (well, apart from one pair of Tiffanys ones I tried on for fun in David Clulow, a snip at £330). But seriously, with my thick black hair, small face and somewhat oversized front molars (hence rabbit) I really do look like early-series Ugly Betty with glasses on. Very, very geeky - and not in a good way.

    So you should be rightly proud of how good you look in glasses. Not everyone is as lucky.

  11. Ah love them, the blue black ones are fabby! I actually couldn't even pick mine, Mother chose my last pair and the optician the ones before, what is it about glasses being so hard to get right?! :)

  12. These are both lovely Alex, I especially love the second pair! x

  13. They're both great. It is good that you can vary your look, mine cost so much due to a terrible prescription that I don't qualify for a free second pair and I can't afford them so just one pair for every occasion for me.

  14. Hi Alex, your photo skills are pretty good. What lens are you using on your Canon?

  15. You really suit those frames, great choice!
    I mix between contacts and glasses, enjoy wearing both. My current specs are big old tortoiseshell ones, my sister hates them, but I love them.

  16. I love the green (aqua!) ones. I am trying to convince Scott that he needs some new glasses as he's had this one pair for 7 years now!! I like to go and try the pretend glasses on too haha.

  17. Eek! I can't believe that about ruining the wedding photos - utter nonsense!

    I love both of these and they really suit you. My current pair are Tortoiseshell and I'm pretty sure my other pair is the same as your aqua one, but I never wear them as I love the tortoiseshell so much. I have the same problem with loving the retro shapes but them not suiting me and I tried a couple of the Gok Wan cat-eye types but they were too big and looked daft.

    Glad you found such lovely pairs and I hope you get a green pair at some point. I love green too.

    Nikki x


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