I was going to tell you not to expect snow posts from me as Liverpool doesn't generally get much in the way of extreme weather, what with being by the coast and all. I went to Harrogate yesterday though and boy, did it snow. It was fun at first, look at me covered in it and enjoying myself!
However things took a rapid downturn when we got in the car and it took us about 3 1/2 hours to go 3 miles. The roads weren't the problem, we just weren't moving! The journey there in the morning took us about 2 hours. Getting home took well over 6 hours. Not fun.
Our reason for going there in the first place was fun though! We went to the Knitting & Stitching Show which was like crafty heaven. I met up with Lucy which was lovely - her blog has much better pictures of the stalls by the way. I mostly took pics of the exhibition stuff, a lot of which was incredibly innovative, and some AMAZING hats from the Leeds Millinery people. If only the iphone camera didn't suck so much, the pics would be much better.
Purchases consisted of loads of beading stuff including a Christmas pudding earring kit, various presenty things that are safely tucked away now, some buttons which I think I'll make into necklaces and a knitting set in a cup! How fun please? The wool is gorgeously soft and the stall owner assures me that even a novice knitter can manage to make wristwarmers from it. I shall report back on my progress...
I swished for the first time as well! It was fun - I took along some stuff that was just cluttering up my wardrobe and exchanged it for this cute little black clutch and gorgeous Topshop pleated frock. It doesn't look as if it's ever been worn. Now I just need a sassy little black jacket to wear with it as I don't show my horrible arms off in public (just on this blog, weirdly enough. Also please excuse the bra straps)
ps - sorry if I sound entirely disjointed tonight. I had a very unsettling dream last night about the boy I was smitten with in Sixth Form and have been feeling odd all day. Haven't thought about him for years so I don't know what sparked that one off! I do sometimes wish that my dreams weren't so vivid - when they're good they're really good but bad ones have a horrible habit of freaking me out for a while afterwards.