This blogging malarkey does put me under pressure sometimes. I got dressed this morning in what I wanted to wear (jeans and a giant red hoody) and then thought "well you won't be taking any photographs of
that, will you, you scruffy beggar?" Daily fashion bloggers, I salute you. I will return to outfit posting on Friday when I intend to frock up in fine style.
So what on earth to post about today, other than the giveaway winners? Well as luck would have it, lovely
Danni tagged me with this list of questions today and I thought I'd get straight onto answering them. I may not have much brainpower at the moment but I can definitely answer a few questions.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not really. The parents did sometimes say it was after Princess Alexandra but neither of them are particularly Royalist so I think it was more that it happened to be a name they both liked. Better than my Dad's initial choice of Roxanne anyway.
2. When was the last time you cried?
At last week's Countryfile when they were showing footage of the 2001 foot and mouth epidemic. It was horrendous.
3. Do you have kids?God no. Never. Most unmaternal person EVER. If I had a baby I'd leave it in the shops or something equally awful.
4. If you were another person would you be a friend of yourself?Yeah I think so. If you look beyond the horrible shyness and propensity for hiding in a book, I'm a good friend. Loyal, reliable, funny (if you're on my wavelength) very good at doing taxi duty, up for jolly japes.
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?Haha, have you met me?
All the time.
6. Will you ever bungee-jump?There are far more interesting things to do.
7. What's your favourite cereal?
Am currently rather in love with plain cornflakes with mandarins and juice.
8. What's the first thing you notice about people?I honestly don't know. Their overall air? I don't tend to focus in on any one thing but I am easily impressed by nice shoes.
9. What is your eye colour?Greenish, although they can look blue or grey at times as well. Here's an inconclusive picture:

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. I'm a romantic.
11. Favourite smells?
Freshly mown grass, bacon butties, blown out matches and John Paul Gaultier Le Male, even though it sometimes makes me want to cry a little bit.

12. Summer or winter?
Just to be contraversial, spring. I'm not at my best in hot or cold weather.
13. Computer or television?
At the moment, computer. I don't watch much tv - dvd boxsets are where it's at.
14. What's the furthest you've been from home?
Florida when I was about 10. And the Air Force base in the middle of nowhere that we had to make an emergency landing at on the way home due to exploding tyres. I was lavishly sick upon landing but was cheered up by the hunky air force man who came and talked to me whilst we were waiting around. Perhaps that started off my liking for men in uniform...
15. Do you have any special talents?
Nope. Miss Average. Unless you count being able to read whilst doing almost anything else? I read while I'm washing my hair, hoovering, everything.
16. Where were you born?
17. What are your hobbies?
I hate this question! I always feel as if hobbies should equal crafts, something with a definite output, and I don't do that much of that sort of thing. I like to read, haunt the charity shops, read, blog, read, swim, read, go to the cinema, read, watch sport, read, knit a bit, read, bake.... If I like doing it it then it will probably feature on here sooner or later.
18. Do you have any pets?
Oscar of course.

19. Favourite film?
Mary Poppins or Ever After. I'm taking no crap about Mary Poppins; it is genius. Just to prove I do watch "proper" films though, I adore a very unknown film called A Love To Hide (Un amour à taire). You should all watch it, immediately.
20. Do you have any siblings?
A big brother. I sometimes wonder if we are really related - he runs marathons for fun. Mentalist.

21. What do you wanna be when you grow up?
So that's me. Should you wish to answer the questions yourself then please do. I am hugely nosy and love reading this sort of thing.
Giveaway winners! I wish I could have given you all a prize. What a truly wonderful bunch of people you are. Such lovely comments and cheering things to read. Sadly there are only 4 prizes up for grabs:
The Liberty print bag and floral snood goes to Lucy from Tête en l'Air. She's running a wonderful giveaway herself so this must be karma!
The Lush goodies and lip & nail stuff will be on the way to Filipa from Feathers of Inspiration.
Sangu from Echoes of a Wayward Mind wins the Amazon giftcard - spend it wisely!
And last but by no means least, the vintage goodies go to Victoria from My Favourite Fashion.
Drop me an email with your address and I'll organise posting them out to you. It's .