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Cracking Christmas Giveaway: Day Five

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Onto Day Five of the giveaway - hope you're enjoying it so far!

My thoughts often turn to crafts at this time of year.  I like to make a new beaded bauble or two for the tree each year - look above to see one I made earlier - but I'll give anything a go.  If you're anything like me, today's prize will be perfect for you!  It's:

An incredibly cute Scruff the Dog knit kit from Gift Horse Kits

If you're a knitting novice, don't worry! This kit is designed especially for beginners and is super easy and satisfying to make. It comes with absolutely everything you need to make your very own Scruff and all you need to do is pick your preferred colour, then get out the needles. It's even easier to complete than the bunnies kit I made, and frankly if I managed that then anyone can!  If you remain unconvinced by your level of knitting ability then it'd still make a fab present for someone - the kits are beautifully packaged.

Pop your details in the box to enter - you know the drill by now.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. that's a tricky one as I'm the least crafty person ever. I'm good at decorating the tree though, so I'll settle with that.

  2. Homemade Chrimbo cake, parcel wrapping and tree decorating.
    Z xx

  3. Baking! So much baking, and shoving cloves into oranges, last year I made candles as Christmas presents which was refreshingly simple. But mostly I like to eat what I make at Christmas

  4. I love getting a bit crafty, and really want to start knitting.
    I've learnt to crochet this year, and I'm making a real effort to make a lot of my gifts this Christmas.

  5. Is everyone seeing a question somewhere that I can't? People seem to be answering some kind of 'what do you make at Christmas?' poser but I can't see it anywhere, I've thought this on previous days too!

    Anyway that's by the by. I love making simple baubles from pompoms :)

  6. Aha - OK! I thought you pressed the button AFTER leaving a comment. Ignore me!

  7. I have never been very crafty but I am learning to knit at the moment and this would be perfect for my boyfriend's Xmas present (he loves dogs!) and I would love to dig out my cross stitch again!

    Maria xxx

  8. Doing things with the children ie mince pies , paper chains

  9. at this time of year I get the knitting needles out to make festive hats, scarves and gloves for my grandchildren

  10. Ooh very badly these days!!! i used to bake lots and be fairly creative :-) Great stress reliever!
    maybe its time to get back into it HO HO HO Fiona

  11. I like to make the presents I wrap look really special.

    Scruff the dog is so cute!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. By spending too much time on the wrapping. I've found some great tutorials for making mini snowflake garlands to use to wrap gifts :)

  14. cooking, that's the only thing i'm great at!

  15. Just a bit of crafting with my son but he's not very interested at the craft is just playing around with photoshop :) This would be a great prezzie for my mum the knitter.

  16. oooh, the Spartoo box didn't appear! PLease may I enter?
    Christmas crafts are great but I can't seem to get down to anything at the moment- ahrgh! Hope you are well! X

  17. Just to check- you did get my reviews didn't you?

  18. I knit and cross-stitch presents and make edible goodies. Lovely blog and lovely little dog.....I like the cream one!


  19. I create Jewllery mainly beaded for gifts, I always really enjoy turning the house into a winter wonderland as I put all the 'normal daily' decoration around the house away & replace it with Christmas decs & art, however this does take me a good week to do bit by bit but the house looks amazing once I've finished.

  20. Mt fellas and I have enjoyed getting messy and making homemade chocolate truffles rolled in chocolate sprinkles, cocoa powder and sugar pearls ... SCrummy :)

  21. I've been dabbling in a bit of jewellery making, and will be making some cute pendants when the stuff I ordered for them finally arrives!

  22. I don't craft i bake lol, i'm not at crafting however i do like to bake mince pies and i am sending little chocolates out i am making this year does that count?
    I must say i really do want to craft more though i just havent found anything i am at, i know i have some crafting pressies coming my way this christmas though and i can't wait!

  23. I'm definetly a baker,make lots of cakes :) have been teaching kids to make paper chains

  24. I so wish I was crafty, this could be what starts me off!

  25. I really go to town on the present wrapping, I love to make them look really pretty

  26. tonight i have been making cards with my 6 year old

  27. I'm still a beginner and this knit kit would be perfect to try out over the Christmas holiday, curled up and cosy. Thanks!

  28. I like making paper chains with the kids. I also love cutting up old Christmas cards to make gift tags. I even made a personalised stocking for my baby daughter this year. I do more crafting at this time of year than any other.

  29. Saltdough xmas decorations! xx

  30. I made some felt tree decorations

  31. I paint wooden Christmas ornaments from Michael's or Joanne's

  32. I'm terminally un-crafty, but I do like to make Christmas cards- I haven't had time this year, but I do make rather nice ones, if I say so myself. I also wrap in Brown paper and decorate it with pretty ribbons, glitter or extras.

  33. Would be fab to make with my little boy <3

  34. I haven't crafted in such a long time, but I do love wrapping gifts and I'm making a few of my own hampers this year, which is fun xxx


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