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Cracking Christmas Giveaway: Day Four

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Happy Tuesday everyone! It's Day Four of the giveaway today and the prize is:

A very pretty frock from Madam Rage

Madam Rage were super helpful when I was trying to track down a cat print blouse recently and they've continued their general loveliness by offering this dress as a giveaway prize.  Isn't it pretty?  I love that slight gold shimmer in the lace.

 It's available in sizes 8-16, so if it'll fit you (or someone you know), get entering!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i dont do jumpers but if i had to pick a festive 1 it would have be a snowman

  2. I didn't buy a new one but I dragged out my fairisle festive knit and tried to stretch it, not sure it worked yet. Also I have a snowflakes jumper dress which is jolly cheerful x

  3. I did buy a Christmas jumper once, but this year I'm going back to the good old new dress scenario! Matts got a Christmas t shirt though: it's a beauty, Cookie Monster in a Santa hat!

  4. I do want a jumper this year! Thinking one with a Christmas pudding on!

  5. We have a tradition of opening presents from my Grandma in the morning in our pajamas and she almost always gives us clothes, which we then wear! Otherwise I use it as an excuse to wear something pretty with something cosy - big fluffy cardigan over something sparkly? Yes!

  6. Have yet to find my perfect Christmas jumper for this year but I have bought my little boy a snow man outfit. Will take lots of pictures to embarrass him with when he's older! :)

  7. I just bought my first ever Christmas jumper - a reindeer one from Primark. I usually buy Xmas pants from M&S but this yr the patterns and the quality are really well,, pants..

  8. I really want a Christmas jumper this year too and I'm not sure why! I've never bothered with one before, always just worn a nice outfit for Christmas day, but this year I fancy treating myself. Once I've finished my Christmas shopping I'll see what money I've got left for myself, spotted some lovely ones in Next.

  9. Hello Alex!

    That dress is adorable, I don't tie enough ribbons to/around/on things, I think I'm going to start!

    Jen x

  10. Primark have one fab Christmas jumpers this year. I got a green on with a penguin and snowflakes on xxx

  11. I have festive leggings but I love the Christmas jumpers but I cannot fork money out for it as I just bought a onesie :)

  12. Don't have a festive jumper, maybe I need to put that right!
    I do have a de Kyper Cherry Brandy jumper that I knitted myself tho' so that's pretty and festive.
    Z xx

  13. I don't have a Christmas jumper, but I do tend to dress up on Christmas, even if no one else does... ~ Sara

  14. Usually dress smart casual jumper and trousers may add sparkle and love the dress featured!

  15. mickey and minnie pjs for xmas eve and a reindeer jumper yay x

  16. That dress is gorgeous, it would be perfect for New Year!

    Maria xxx

  17. I do dress up for Christmas but I don't have a Christmas jumper; I'm not a jumper wearer.

  18. I've got one with snowflakes on from last year but I really want a totally out there one! May have to go shopping after work actually...

  19. I'm not bothered but my partner really wants one lol

  20. I've just got myself a cute little candy cane Christmas jumper, because I wanted to be subtle. It's not subtle but that's okay, it's Christmas! We are not doing Crimbo Sweater Christmas Eve and I cannot wait, just have to get my mum into one!

  21. I haven't bought one this year but I ordered one for my sister from Urban Outfitters which has a fairisle print with DINOSAURS in it. Yes. Wardrobenaturalhistorymuseum!!! I also have a red cardigan with black and white penguins on from last year which I wear almost all the way through December :)

  22. What a lovely dress :)
    I've not got a jumper yet, but i'm on the look out for one.

  23. i dont normally do xmas jumpers but this year i am seeing them everywhere, i would love one with a reindeer face on.

  24. A hand knitted fair isle number, reminds me of dumb and dumber :)

  25. I have been browsing for a perfect Christmas jumper too. Haven't found one yet but there is a cute cat one on asos!

  26. I haven't got a Christmas jumper yet but I have been quite tempted by all the animal jumpers around at the moment, especially if they have woodland creatures on them.

  27. I have a FairPlay knitted waistcoat (I'm hot selling this am I?) seriously it's gorgeous though! I love festive jumpers! As well as the usual Christmas pjs I always have a new cardigan or jumper on Christmas which I always wear - which is silly really as once dinner is cooking I'm absolutely roasting! Lol


  28. No Christmas jumper for me, but I'm on the hunt for a NYE dress!

  29. Me and my daughters are rocking the onesies this christmas eve!

  30. I haven't got a Christmas jumper, but I have to have new pj's for christmas Eve too - have to look your best for Santa ;-)

  31. Sorry no Christmas jumper. The closest I come to any festive attire is some holly jewellery and some mistletoe jewellery.

  32. No Christmas jumper here, I do want one though, think I would have to go for one with 3d elements!

  33. no christmas jumper for me but i do buy them for my kids so got a red one with a penguin (wearing a scarf and hat!) and glitter all round it for my 2 year old daughter and a snowman one for my 6 year old son.

  34. Nope, no Christmas Jumper in sight here - but a very cute santa outfit for my youngest - she's too young to complain yet!

  35. I have bought a lovely red jumper and the dogs have new jumpers too. all fair isle :)

  36. I still love the one I bought last year from Asos - a dark purple/maroon coloured cable knit jumper with removable faux fur collar :)

  37. I bought one last year from Matalan with a reindeer head on the front. I love it!

  38. Haven't got a Christmas -now feeling perhaps I should have one!

  39. I haven't found a Christmas jumper to fit me yet :( However I do have a Cardie that I got last year with reindeer & snowflakes which is lovely. I'm the same as you need to have new pjs & new Christmas outfit :)

  40. I've got myself a red Christmas jumper with snowflakes on it! :)

  41. I'm loving fairisle stuff this year, so a matching jumper and socks combo sounds good to me :. I really want some wooly leggings like it too!

  42. I haven't got a Christmas jumper =( I did just get a massively snuggly bright pink one though which is keeping my cosy. :) Wouldn't mind one with a penguin on, there are some adorable ones around!

    Florrie x

  43. I haven't got one either! I headed to Primark last week to pick one up but they had all sold out - boo : ( I want a penguin one.

  44. I don't have a Christmas jumper, but I would love a knitted one with an xmas cat on it :)

  45. ooh pretty - yes please, enter me!

  46. No xmas jumper as I'm not brave enough to wear one but I do think they look cute on people - just not on me! lol x

  47. I would LOVE to get a really tacky Christmas sweater.

  48. The closest I've come to buying a Christmas sweater is almost buying a fair isle fleece throw. I resisted, and personally, can think of nothing worse than someone trying to make me wear a jumper with something christmassy. I do have to find something church appropriate though- with T's parents for Xmas, and they are church goers... Might also have to learn a hymn or carol all the way through....

  49. What a fab Christmas dress (and when it gets chilly you could pop over a festive knit!)

  50. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect Christmas knit! I would certainly love a reindeer or snowman on my jumper xxx

  51. I got a great cardi from primark it's red and white Scandi style with reindeers on!
    Vic x

  52. I have a black jumper with a big gold snowflake on


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